
Gatsby without graphql

  • Gatsby without graphql. Creating navigation for a Gatsby app requires an understanding of what those paths are and how they’re generated. gatsby-plugin-apollo. Aug 11, 2020 路 In page query (rather than static queries) you can pass a variable using the context object as an argument of createPage API. We can query data in pages with GraphQL using Gatsby’s graphql tag. nodes[0]. Use source plugins to load your data, then develop using Gatsby’s uniform GraphQL interface. Mine lives inside of sidebar. Any of that data can be used to programmatically create pages. I have a query in graphql that looks as follow: . Adding responsive images to your site while maintaining high performance scores can be difficult to do manually. You can do this on the command line in a terminal by using the following commands from the root of your project. In javascript, if you try to access allWordpressPost. Nov 5, 2021 路 id. (If there isn’t a plugin yet for your favorite option, consider contributing one!) In this section: Using Gatsby Without GraphQL; Sourcing from the Filesystem; Sourcing from Databases; Sourcing from Hosted Services; Sourcing from Private APIs After installing gatsby-plugin-graphql-component you can add it to your plugins list in your gatsby-config. If your data contains an id key the transformer will automatically convert this key to jsonId as id is a reserved internal keyword for Gatsby. The Slices feature plays a big role in this, they essentially correspond to components in the web application that non-technical people can use to assemble their page. Feel free to look over the guide on using Gatsby without GraphQL as well What changes need to be made? In order to transition your codebase over to using Gatsby, a few things need to be taken care of to account for the differences between how the projects are set up. Most static site generators, including Gatsby, accept Markdown -formatted text files as a source, although Gatsby is not limited to Markdown. This configuration file states that the schema definition should be located in a schema . If the filter targets id directly, only one Node is cached instead of a Set of Nodes. Mar 18, 2018 路 1. New image plugin to replace gatsby-image, which greatly improves performance (Lighthouse 馃挴 again) and adds easy static images (no GraphQL). The goal of pagination is to create multiple pages (from a single template) that show a limited number of items. better_featured_image. Now it can be used from within the page’s GraphQL query: When compiling your site, Gatsby preprocesses all GraphQL queries it finds. gatsby-image is a React component specially designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby’s GraphQL queries. d. GraphQL & Gatsby. name; Use the plugin gatsby-source-filesystem to read files and let Gatsby create File nodes in its GraphQL data layer. In your templates folder of your Gatsby project, you create one template that programmatically picks the right components for each of your routes. Gatsby created a type generation file which you should see at src/gatsby-types. Apr 10, 2021 路 Things changed a bit in the recent version of both Gatsby and Sanity. By default, the plugin generates images in the same format as the source image, as well as WebP. Also new in Graphql but I go this project from a colleague and now I need to find a way to sort it out. A static site generator is a software application that creates HTML pages from templates or components and a given content source. That's it. All the configuration takes place in that file. js to render static pages on the server-side consuming a WordPress API with basic content via GraphQL. Getting started with GraphQL. To use it, you need to run GATSBY_GRAPHQL_IDE=playground gatsby develop in your terminal. It wraps your app in an ApolloProvider so that you can use GraphQL queries and mutations in your components. yarn add gatsby-plugin-graphql-loader graphql-tag. nodes {. Exported queries are only executed for Page components. If you want to learn more, read our documentation about extensions and directives and how you can create your own custom extensions . atrumkarbas {. Bonus: read about Gatsby themes and distributed docs working well together on the Gatsby blog. We'll use Gatsby's Static Query to wrap a stateless functional React component. codegenPlugins (^2. The Gatsby Image plugin handles the hard parts of producing images in multiple sizes and formats for you! For full documentation on all configuration options, see the Gatsby Image Plugin reference guide. Jun 9, 2022 路 To directly cut to the chase, here’s how you activate the new feature: gatsby-config. js. All cars have only one "atrumkarbas" so I just wanted to assign the name for it without writing atrumkarbas. We then use that data to automatically infer a GraphQL schema. For example: queryResults. This plugin provides a search index and store using the selected engine. In this document, you’ll see what problems arise when creating pages, and how those problems can be solved using GraphQL. Their generated APIs offer endless flexibility for fetching or writing content with precise content selection, filtering, ordering, pagination, union types, mutations, and more. values for limit and skip) will come from the context that is added when creating pages in gatsby-node. 0) [] Add additional plugins to graphql-codegen. Here's how I got them working. These key-value config will be applied to every graphql-codegen plugins. As you add and remove markdown files, Gatsby will add and remove pages. Gatsby plugin for providing client-side search for data available in Gatsby’s GraphQL layer using a variety of engines. One of Gatsby’s main strengths is the ability to query data from a variety of sources in a uniform way with GraphQL. Written by Anne Dorko Read in 3 minutes. Most Gatsby users compose their queries in GraphiQL and then cut-and-paste them into their Javascript files. StaticImage. gatsby-image is a React component designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby’s native image processing capabilities powered by GraphQL and gatsby-plugin-sharp to easily and completely optimize image loading for your sites. The path option is how you set the directory to search for files. js and that's failing for some. This simplifies accessing data in your components and also keeps your component tree shallow. This is done with queries, queries are the representation of the data you need. Through this blog, you will: • Understand Gatsby • Install Gatsby helpers using the command line interface Apr 11, 2024 路 The gatsby documentation is a little confusing on when to use pages using the file system route API and when to use a gatsby-node file with a createPages function. For our purposes here, “unstructured data” means data “handled outside of Gatsby’s data layer” (we’re using the data directly, and not transforming the data into Gatsby nodes). Add necessary dependencies. Nov 20, 2020 路 If you take a look at the docs: useStaticQuery does not accept variables (hence the name “static”), but can be used in any component, including pages. wordpress_id and better_featured_image does not exist, you'll Jan 16, 2020 路 You want to programmatically create pages depending on the result of your GraphQL query. MDX v2: gatsby-plugin-mdx was updated to support MDX v2. you can filter without query the parameter. Gatsby and GraphCMS will empower you to build and scale the websites and apps of tomorrow. Currently only supports one imageFieldName. createPage({. It contains the TypeScript types for your queries. Dec 6, 2023 路 Configuring Gatsby With GraphQL. Managed Serverless infrastructure May 6, 2021 路 The easiest way to follow along with this post is to create a new Hygraph project using the "Blog Starter" template. Mar 8, 2020 路 warn The GraphQL query in the non-page component. Apr 17, 2024 路 WebStorm creates a file graphql. This includes routes that need authentication or for dynamic Mar 21, 2022 路 Follow him on Twitter. Inside of your Gatsby project, or if you're starting from scratch, install the gatsby-source-graphcms dependency: npm install -E Oct 10, 2017 路 2. atrumkarbas. VS Code has extensions for both of these, which makes development really easy. Would be nice for this to take an array instead :) gatsby-plugin-graphql-image Description Traverses a grapqhl schema sourced from the gatsby-source-graphql plugin and generates file nodes…. Next, you'll want to configure a new API token for accessing DRAFT, or PUBLISHED entries, or both. By passing project through context your users will download all the project data on the page visit even though you might only use parts of it. exports = {. 0 or later. It pulls data from Drupal 9+ sites with the Drupal GraphQL Compose module installed. Make a folder called content/posts and create two files in it called blog-1. Though GraphQL is popular in web development as a query language, Gatsby uses it internally to provide a single unified approach to handling and managing data. That means you need to create a page wide page template component. So, you'll need to add this page creation to your gatsby-node. forEach(({ node }, index) => {. So if you have three markdown files that are blog posts, Gatsby will create the three pages from a collection route. import { graphql } from "gatsby". During the build process, Gatsby creates paths to access pages, handling routing for you. The information needed to query for those specific items (i. Errors with GraphQL. Jan 21, 2021 路 Using gatsby-image without GraphQL? 2. Gatsby is able to automatically infer a GraphQL Schema from your data, and in many cases, this is really all you need. The Gatsby docs have a page on foregoing GraphQL. Each page will query GraphQL for those specific items. Gatsby has its own GraphQL data layer where it keeps all the data for your site. Checkout logs in Node. Source plugin for pulling documents into Gatsby-v4 from the Strapi-v4 graphql API. How to query for 2 different images? 0. The first step in using GraphQL with Gatsby is to set up a Gatsby environment. gatsby Gatsby v2 introduces a simple way to integrate any GraphQL API into Gatsby’s GraphQL. Unknown field ‘A’ on type ‘B’ Using Gatsby with GraphCMS. In most cases, you should not change this. Feb 20, 2019 路 useStaticQuery is a hook that takes a GraphQL query and returns your data. It's the intended usage of Gatsby and there are rarely reasons to not use GraphQL. You can integrate both third-party APIs, like GitHub’s, APIs of services like GraphCMS or your custom GraphQL API. While it is possible to build without GraphQL, you'll lose many of the advantages that distinguish Gatsby from alternatives. Submit forms, authenticate users, securely connect to external services, build GraphQL/REST APIs, and more. How to use gatsby-image and contentful. 1. Putting this together, the completed query looks like: src/pages/index. Why Gatsby Uses GraphQL; Gatsby without GraphQL; GraphQL Concepts Add the JSON content. documents: '**/*. Gatsby images from markdown posts not displaying from graphql query. Direct access to Gatsby's GraphQL schema and resolvers without the ecosystem - GitHub - birkir/graphql-gatsby: Direct access to Gatsby's GraphQL schema and resolvers without the ecosystem Aug 8, 2021 路 Gatsby will refresh the changes when you use GraphQL as it can then track the changes you're making. component, you generally want to use a <StaticQuery Add config directly to graphql-codegen. Create a template. Adds link between inline objects/arrays contained in Node Note: GraphQL isn’t required for managing data in a Gatsby app. js and use something like: const limit = 10; page. [00:03:03] Jun 9, 2018 路 The problem is that Gatsby infers the schema based off of the first node it receives. Feb 9, 2021 路 February 9th, 2021. mdx and blog-2. This plugin sets up your Gatsby project to use Apollo Client. Meet Gatsby’s GraphQL data layer. Gatsby without GraphQL →. Part of what makes Gatsby sites so fast is its recommended approach to handling images. Usage. The toolkit designed to simplify data sourcing from the remote GraphQL API into Gatsby. js file in order to generate a slug for my template page called project-details. js ), a graphql parser is injected into functions such as createPages. graphql. mdx. About A simple example of creating pages dynamically in Gatsby without using GraphQL. Installing. Basically, you have to deep in each nested object to find your parameter (id) and apply the filtering rule eq (equals). Gatsby / Graphql - Can't display img from query. This plugin depends on Strapi’s GraphQL introspection, which enables a lot of missing features in the plugin released by Strapi (i. Import JSON into the page component. To display search results, pair the index and store with a compatible Jul 6, 2020 路 Totally new in Gatsby (my app is build in here). The gatsby-source-prismic-graphql package will create pages for all of your Prismic items (more than just the first 20), as it iterates over all items under the hood, so I'd advise looking into using that if you are looking to generate pages for all of those items. from JSON files. Gatsby is a React framework for building static websites and uses graphQL to fetch data in various ways. React & GraphQL is a powerful combination for the frontend. A GraphQL client is much like fetch or axios, they are libraries used to request, post, update, delete data from a REST API. I am trying to go the route of just using the file system route. Feb 27, 2020 路 2. Feb 8, 2019 路 Next, open the component you want to use your data. js console. No more Render Props necessary to use a Static Query. Plugin for connecting arbitrary GraphQL APIs to Gatsby’s GraphQL. Jun 1, 2021 路 GraphQL Playground is an alternative to GraphiQL. nodes; cars. Static site generators are an alternative to database-driven content Apr 28, 2022 路 Using gatsby-image without GraphQL? 2. When developing Gatsby pages/views, there's a graphql template literal available. It combines Gatsby’s native image processing capabilities with advanced image loading techniques to easily and completely optimize image loading for your sites. This involves installing Gatsby CLI, which is a command-line tool that helps in creating new sites and running Gatsby commands. The exclamation point ! in GraphQL means non-nullable, so [String!]! means that there is a non-null array of non-null strings. g Apr 28, 2020 路 In this Gatsby tutorial, we will create a simple news website, MTB News, using Gatsby. There are other ways to build sites that will let you do a lot of what Gatsby does without the GraphQL requirement. Let's quickly check out a basic example. This may only apply to a subset of source plugins as I believe some already support this feature automatically when source changes (e. data. GraphQL is available in Gatsby without a special install: a schema is automatically inferred and created when you run gatsby develop or gatsby build. It’s considered best practice to place your site metadata there. Where does Gatsby’s GraphQL schema come from? With Gatsby, we use plugins which fetch data from different sources. In short: no, gatsby-image isn't designed to work outside of Gatsby's GraphQL data layer. And this is sorta the thing where like, if you find yourself really not wanting to use Gatsby or GraphQL, Gatsby might not be the right solution for you. forEach(node => {. For this to work, a GraphQL Schema must be generated that defines the shape of the data. export const query = graphql` query { site { info: siteMetadata { title description author data person { name age } } } } `. Build a Gatsby site sourced from YAML. We use the same format as Gatsby’s. However, as highlighted in the guide, this approach comes with some tradeoffs. Gatsby’s GraphQL data layer provides access to build time data, there are sometimes errors you may encounter while implementing plugins that are sourcing data or adding nodes to the schema yourself. Jun 21, 2020 路 Gatsby and GraphQL clients are different things. name. Note: This is not a source plugin by itself, but it helps writing custom GraphQL source plugins by providing a set of convenience tools and conventions. To make the plugin work, open the gatsby-config. Inside a gatsby-node. If you find GraphQL confusing, or just want to simplify things, it's possible to use an “unstructured data” approach -- no GraphQL Start the development server with gatsby develop. In this tutorial, we use Gatsby for React-powered static site generation with GraphQL schema to pull data from a headless CMS. Description. gatsby-source-prismic-graphql (this plugin) fetches data using Prismic’s beta GraphQL API and provides full support for Prismic’s Preview feature out of the box. node[0]. 7. trackInlineObjectsInRootNode. options. This component is a new, simpler way to use Gatsby’s image processing for static images without needing to write GraphQL Step 1: Import GraphQL. module. gatsby-source-wordpress) to refresh data once it changes in source. grapqhl unions, builds failing due to missing data in fields, etc), but it also requires introspection to Within Gatsby’s data layer, GraphQL mediates the relationship between Gatsby pages and components and the data that populates those pages and components. Functions are a simpler way to build APIs for your Gatsby site as you develop, test, and deploy them alongside your frontend code. The documents key is defined using a glob pattern that will include any GraphQL operation in the current or nested directory. If null, don’t create or use a cache. Note: gatsby-image is not a drop-in This will help the plugin in knowing which types and fields exists, so you can query for them even without them being present in any current documents. To learn all about GraphQL and Apollo, check out the Lift-off course on Odyssey, Apollo’s learning platform. atrumkarbas = car. npm i gatsby-plugin-graphql-loader graphql-tag. Remote schemas are stitched together by declaring an arbitrary type name that wraps the remote schema Query type ( typeName below), and putting the remote schema under a field of the Gatsby GraphQL query ( fieldName below). Install it like so: Open gatsby-config to add the gatsby-source-filesystem plugin. Supports arrays of objects and single objects…. Part of it is also a new, simpler API for gatsby-transformer-sharp. I'd like to know how can I share GraphQL fragments between the pages and the node part. export const query = graphql`. car. In the gatsby-config file, at the top of the file in lines lines two through ten, information about the site is declared, specifically, the siteMetadata object: This cache caches a set of buckets (Sets) of Nodes based on filter and tracks this for each set of types which are actually queried. ts. Strapi Source Plugin. But how does it work under the hood? First, your data is stored in one or more sources. TypeScript & GraphQL Typegen: You can write your gatsby-config and gatsby-node in TypeScript now. Once the server is ready you should see a log message Generating GraphQL and TypeScript types at the bottom of your terminal. Functions let you build dynamic applications without running servers. yml and opens it in the editor: schema: schema. The easiest way of using them is through a directive in the SDL. Add some content. Get started immediately with our step-by-step docs, or spin up our official Gatsby for WordPress starter. Begin by installing Gatsby CLI globally using npm: npm install -g gatsby-cli. When building with Gatsby, you access your data through a query language named GraphQL. Before you can write any GraphQL queries and programmatically create pages, you need to add some content. Jul 31, 2020 路 Note: you don't even need to query the id if you don't need it for other purposes,. GraphCMS is the GraphQL native headless CMS. Other resources. There is no use for fluid or fixed in the GastbyImage in Gatsby V3. Configure Gatsby pages. It shows you the data that a GraphQL query returns alongside that query. Obviously there is no slug in Graphql for this repeater field in the ACF options page. If your private API is not a GraphQL API and you are new to GraphQL, treat the data as unstructured data and fetch it during build time, as described by the guide ”Using Gatsby without GraphQL”. This article explains the back story, but in short, you need to make sure that at least 1 of your WordPress posts has the featured image. Step 2: Set up a query and export the variable. When creating pages with the Gatsby node api ( gatsby-node. Mar 11, 2020 路 "name=projects_gatsby_1" switch projects_gatsby_1 to the name of your Gatsby container. It's possible you're. First, import StaticQuery and graphql from gatsby. The graphql-tag package needs to be installed alongside this plugin. graphql'. Get all the benefits of static websites with none of the limitations. Speedy, optimized images without the work. Feature request: in development mode (gatsby develop), provide an ability to make Gatsby rerun source and transform plugins (e. The backend is handled by Grav CMS used solely for content management, as a decoupled CMS. Used alongside Gatsby it lets you create fast, editable sites. gatsby-source-prismic is a different plugin that fetches data using Prismic's REST and Javascript APIs. gatsby-source-prismic-graphql (this plugin) fetches data using Prismic's beta GraphQL API and provides full support for Prismic's Preview feature out of the box. A Gatsby project set up with gatsby@4. If it receives a node without a picture, then the schema is wrong. You may have to restart for the Extensions to take effect. build time, see the Gatsby docs. name everytime I want to access it. The siteMetadata section of the gatsby-config file is available in the GraphQL datalayer. gatsby-source-drupal-graphql. (Need help creating one? Follow the Quick Start) Directions Add siteMetadata. Collection routes can be created for any GraphQL data type. Gatsby pulls in data from any data source, whether it’s Markdown files, a headless CMS like Contentful or WordPress, or a REST or GraphQL API. gatsby-image uses gatsby-plugin Apr 13, 2022 路 There are two ways that Gatsby can fetch data from GraphQL, the Page Query and StaticQuery. Together with GraphQL Typegen which automatically generates TypeScript types for your npm init gatsby -- -y -ts my-site-name; npm init gatsby my-site-name -- -y -ts; Add more features. However, only Pages can define GraphQL queries that actually return data. Which, if I understand the documentation correctly, you do NOT create a file in the templates folder. gatsby-source-prismic is a different plugin that fetches data using Prismic’s REST and Javascript APIs. reason. This doc serves as a reference for GraphQL features built into Gatsby, including methods for querying and sourcing data, and customizing GraphQL for your site’s needs. To quote: Queryable interfaces. Not sure exactly where it comes from. Limitations. Inside of the <StaticQuery /> elements, add two attributes: query and render. allProducts. Oct 18, 2018 路 The main Gatsby GitHub repo has configuration files in place already for ESLint and Prettier. Feature request: in development mode ( gatsby develop ), provide an ability to make Gatsby rerun source and transform plugins (e. In their example, you can see that their getGatsbyImageData function is using the asset object directly object as parameter (and not using -> image -> asset like in the gatsby docs you are refering to). Try using Gatsby Cloud to build and deploy your site to one of many hosting providers. Page query. Here's a typical Header component, first written using StaticQuery and For quick and easy comparison, the using-gatsby-data-layer branch illustrates how you can accomplish this using Gatsby's integration layer, rather than using the unstructured data approach. Source plugin for pulling data (including images) into Gatsby from Drupal sites using GraphQL. To install both: Using Yarn. Feb 27, 2022 路 How to Populate Missing Strapi Component Fields in API for Gatsby GraphQL Queries. Using NPM. The following engines are supported: FlexSearch (fastest, recommended) Lunr. Then the better_featured_image field will always exist. All of the speed, bundle size, and syntax improvements for MDX v2 can be taken advantage of in Gatsby. As you work with Gatsby, you might want to source data from a JSON or YAML file directly into a page or component. forEach((car) => {. GraphQL allows you to declaratively express your data needs. Go Beyond Static Websites. Example website. Often your application will include routes that are not known at build time. That source might be a folder on your computer’s filesystem, a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, or a database. If you're getting started with Strapi v4 + Gatsby v4, some components fields might not be showing up in your GraphQL queries. trying to create pages in your gatsby-node. To get started, go to the Extensions View and search for these plugins and press the green Install button for each. This is why you can define the fragment in the component The gatsby-transformer-remark plugin is just one of a multitude of Gatsby plugins that can provide data through the GraphQL interface. nodes. graphqlTypegen: true, } During gatsby develop you’ll now see a new activity printed to the terminal (with the message “Generating GraphQL and TypeScript types”) during which a couple of new files are created. We'll need these to access our JSON data. It also provides an easy-to-configure interface for page generation. gatsby-transformer-json Parses raw JSON strings into JavaScript objects e. From using GraphiQL, you’ve learned that one of the types that you can query is site, which in turn has its own siteMetadata field with subfields that correspond to the data provided in gatsby-config. config. If you want a field to be optional, just leave it as it is without exclamation points !. g. For more information on the distinction between runtime vs. One of Gatsby’s best features is its GraphQL data layer, and because the GraphQL data is typed, TypeScript’s type checking can make applications much less prone to runtime issues and works well with it Feb 18, 2020 路 And since Episode! is also non-nullable, you can always expect every item of the array to be an Episode object. If your private API is a GraphQL API, you can use gatsby-source-graphql. May 29, 2019 路 Summary. You can then open the same URL and you should see a different IDE. The Gatsby Image plugin supports four output formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP and AVIF. A query looks like this: Which returns this: "title": "A Gatsby site!" A common question about Gatsby is, “Why does Gatsby use GraphQL? Doesn’t it generate static files?” Without providing some context, it can seem like GraphQL is overkill for something like Gatsby. Join the pieces. Jan 23, 2023 路 Gatsby and TypeScript make a really great pair, with both bringing great features to your tech stack. edges. graphql file. May 16, 2022 路 In Gatsby, I’m using Graphql to query the data for my Projects in two files: Inside a custom hook, allowing access to the data globally in my Gatsby site. When restart is done, make hard refresh on Gatsby's tab (for Chrome it is CTRL Essentially, it differentiates itself thanks to its UX that allows a lot of flexibility without complicating it. You should redeploy the GraphQL API everytime you make changes to the schema that you want to use in Gatsby by running sanity graphql deploy from within your Sanity project directory Dec 10, 2019 路 Gatsby without GraphQL. If the failing component(s) is a regular component and not intended to be a page. 19. Create a folder in the src directory of your Gatsby application called content. Let's configure our plugin to make it work! In this example, we will fetch every page's URL of our Gatsby website, and index them to Meilisearch. For example, if your source image is a PNG, it will generate PNG and WebP images. It’s also possible to use an “unstructured data” approach in Gatsby sites, no GraphQL required. e. To get your ACF data you use GraphQL page gatsby-plugin-image. Now when everything is running, open two tabs: one with Gatsby site and second with Strapi. Gatsby GraphQL Source Toolkit. So in the index page I added the following: let cars = allWpMasina. Add the plugin to gatsby id and jsonId key. 2. One of Gatsby's main strengths is the ability to query data from a variety of sources in a uniform way with GraphQL. See graphql-codegen docs on the config field. node. Today we are thrilled to announce the general availability of Gatsby’s completely rewritten WordPress integration! Gatsby now offers the most seamless front-end integration for your headless WordPress projects. Add new post to Strapi. js configuration file located at the root of your Gatsby project. Example Repository; Using Gatsby without GraphQL; CodeSandbox example creating pages from 3rd party data Out of the box, Gatsby provides ready to use extensions you can use without having to manually write GraphQL field resolvers. Gatsby creates a page for each node in a collection route. It is similar, but comes with some new features. Therefore, any file that gets included in your project can define a snippet. Follow our guides to add more functionality to your site or browse our plugins to quickly install additional features. References. The only way to pass variables in a GraphQL query is by using the context API in the gatsby-node. Deploy your site. Start node with node app. yq es ao oo bd yb hm zw lc sq