Low but doubling betas

Low but doubling betas. You can use the calculator below to calculate the doubling time of two beta hCG samples by entering the date of the blood test and the corresponding beta hCG value for that day. My hcg was rising normally with my blighted ovum. Crypto hmg3084. Nov 17, 2011 · This is a 75% rise, or doubling in 60 hours. My betas seem to be really low: 11/12 Dpo: HCG 25 Prog. I'm so sorry you're going through beta hell right now. Of course, this is just my experience. In a healthy pregnancy, levels of hCG double every 24 – 48 hours during the first three to five weeks. My first BFP was on 4/26 @ 16 DPO. Commenting in solidarity, my 10w loss due to trisomy 22 had the most beautiful betas (655 at 16 DPO / 1726 at 18 DPO). So it's doubling, but my Ob. Apr 18, 2021 · Marina3000. At 12dp5dt our second beta came back 105. Jan 19, 2013 · Jan 18, 2013 at 5:44 PM. Even though it’s increasing appropriately, the numbers just feel so low . My first beta was 11DPT and came back at 73. 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 Mar 28, 2024 · In a typical pregnancy, hCG levels double every 48 to 72 hours. 74 mlU/ml (36hr doubling time) 16dp5dt - 552. One of those miscarriages was caused by a genetic abnormality; the cause of the other miscarriages is unknown. Beta low and barely rose - sad! In IVF or FET Pregnancy. I’m still pretty convinced this will end badly. I have checked the doubking calculator. 6/29 4. Like. I took a blood test Tuesday and Today- HCG was 31, and 56. I assumed this wasn't good, and was correct. Very, very faint positive results on hpt starting around 9dp3dt. The wait is the worst. My Dr didn’t seem to be concerned and my progesterone was around 32. 6 or 4. Just got the results today for 23 dpo and my hcg was 300. Oct 1, 2016 · My betas have been super low but still doubling so I'm feeling cautious and in limbo, haven't been able to feel really happy or excited about this yet. Mar 23, 2018 · Angelica1124. Reaction score. Mar 30, 2021 · Summary. At 9dp5dt I had a beta of 36. I was so scared. May 22, 2020 · Immediately after implantation hCG levels are very low. Aug 14, 2014 at 3:04 PM. I’m having a hard time balancing the knowledge that this is not looking good with the continued rise in beta, now coupled with real pregnancy symptoms. I’m extremely hopeful for you! This is my first FET after getting only 4 average/ below average grade euploid embryos after 3 ERs. So it didn't quite double. 5 days. 10dp5dt: 21 14dp5dt: 185 18dp5dt: 792 I'm going in for a scan on what will be about 6 weeks. From everything I’m reading, the outcome looks pretty hopeless (CP or, if it manages to progress, likely MC), or even dangerous (ectopic, which my RE’s office has strongly Sep 30, 2021 · LOW BETA HCG. O. From weeks five to six the doubling time slows to 48 – 72 hours. Betas are so low but doubling. Oh my goodness, my experience was very similar. I had my second FET on 3/2 of 2 frozen 5 day embryos. I had low-ish and just barely doubling betas with my successful pregnancy and higher and faster-doubling betas with my pregnancy that resulted in a six-week loss. Not feeling good about this at all but my doctor emailed me and said, Beta was cralwing 600 to 800 to 1000 hcg in 48 hrs. FET #2 on 1/24/2020 was a 5AA (ICSI) PGS normal embryo. Beta #3 on 17dp5dt: 1262. Sorry. Apr 18, 2021 at 9:21 AM. At 10dp5dt my beta was 29. Should a u/s at 6w3d be My betas are low but have been doubling so far. This is an 2day increase of approximately 60%. I apologize for not introducing myself first - I promise to do so soon! As a brief until I can figure out my flair: 35, STM, 1 MMC 9/2018, #2 EDD… My first beta at 9dp5dt was quite low at only 42, then my next beta at 11dp5dt slightly more than doubled to 99. I’ve been through the emotional rollercoaster and normally I would be happy that the numbers are doubling but am concerned as my nurse told me to First beta on 9dp5dt was 181, 11dp5dt beta was 450. The bad: before my successful pregnancy, I had 3 chemical pregnancies with similar numbers to yours at 9dp5dt but they dropped within a week to zero. 11dp5dt - 40. said its a miscarriage. A. On day 19 it was Low slow betas Hi all, coming from a background of 2 previous chemical pregnancies and MANY rounds of IVF, I randomly got spontaneously pregnant and found out last week. 1 (45 hour doubling time, 108% increase) Slight relief today but I’m still very concerned with how low my overall betas are. TW: positive beta. #1. HCG levels peak during the first eight to 11 weeks of Jan 25, 2023 · During pregnancy. I'm going for another HCG test on Sunday, and was just wondering if anyone had a similar Any success stories with low betas to start? I’m not having any bleeding, cramping, etc. Tested positive Tuesday with very faint lines. I'm cautiously very optimistic. katchikatchi88. We were getting low but barely doubling betas and were told it was absolutely nothing to worry about. Although most patients adequately treated with methotrexate resolve, there are a few rare instances where patients progress to develop a ruptured ectopic despite having low and Doubling is the most important factor but doubling betas don't guarantee a live birth. (115 hour difference, which is a 63% rise over two days and a doubling time of 68 hours. Curran, M. I recently posted about low but doubling Betas. Edit #3: I was having consistent mild spotting (mostly brown, but a tiny bit of bright red) as well as some cramps over the course of about a week. this is no let that case but neither has it taken off (yet). So, if you were tested for hCG on March 10, 2017, you would choose or enter 10/03/2017. Success story here! And I remember searching the boards for any when I first found out my beta. I know how hard it is to let go of hope but statistically you should prepare for this to be a loss. According to The American Pregnancy Association, hCG levels typically lie within the following ranges throughout pregnancy: Week 3: 5-50 mIU/ml. If you were miscarrying, your betas would not be doubling. Our first beta at 10dpt was also low (but in the 40s), but it rose quite a bit in the next days (~30hr doubling time). My ectopic never came close to doubling. The good: I also had low numbers, although I was about 2 days ahead of you. I’ve heard of more success with one of two low doubling but now I’m on 3. Recent history of a chemical and then a MMC. I am 8w1d today with two great ultrasounds. Hello Ladies! DH and i have been trying for baby #1 for almost a year. My hcg levels rose to 222 which they were happy with, and I went for a third yesterday (21dp5dt) and they were over 800. 14/15dpo- 35. What I found in my research is that there are definitely some cases where a low starting beta turned out ok (if they doubled on time) , but most Fo the cases I found it ended in miscarriage. I’ve had three betas. C. Not good. It's not a great place to be but 15% of all healthy babies don't double like the "norm". No heartbeat yet but I am hoping next scan. •. May 17, 2018 · HCG Levels during the first trimester. 14dpt (19dpo) - 236, doubling time 41 hours. Doubling time of around 52 hours between draw 2 and 3, and 42 hours between draw 3 and 4. Â However, in both my earlier pregnancies I ALWAYS doubled in 48 hours. Wishing you the best OP. July 2014 Fresh - 1st Beta 105 (TG) 9dp5dt. For the first time since starting 4 years ago I have doubling betas even though they are too low. Third Beta 12470 21dp5dt Apr 3, 2024 · HCG is an incredibly powerful hormone that is the driving force behind successful pregnancies. After this . View more posts. I am not one of them. I’m well aware of the risk for ectopic and my clinic is great at closely monitoring. I just wanted to know if anyone had any success stories with low betas that are increasing slowly but not doubling as the doctors want. My Dr. Step 3. I share this a lot but these were my betas: 12DPO (3w5d) Beta 15 14DPO (4w0d) Beta 24 (70 hour doubling time) 16DPO (4w2d) Beta 46 (51 hour doubling time) 20DPO (4w6d) Beta 356 (32 hour doubling time) 24DPO (5w3d) Beta 1,721 (42 hour doubling time) I'm almost 24 weeks with a healthy baby. My clinic expects it to be 200 by then. But the last one didn't double in 48 hours and I know it’s 48-72 hours but combined with the low numbers and my history I feel like my chances decreased drastically after today. 18/19dpo- 142. You can have high and doubling HCG, hear and see a heartbeat, and still have a loss. I am cautiously optimistic and also cautiously guarded. My beta on 16DPO was 747- a 52 hour… I came here to say this. I’ve had two betas drawn and they’re low and not doubling, any thoughts on if I should expect another chemical? May 23, 2015 · Beta 1 7/17 42 Beta 2 7/19 50 Beta 3 7/22 89 Beta 4 7/26 365 Beta 5 7/28 864 Beta 6 7/30 1165 As you can see I never had the typical 48 doubling like they hope for. 4. 5 mm) were statistically associated with the presence of atypical chromosomal abnormalities. Mar 25, 2018 at 5:29 AM. 920. Not sure how much hope to have and so scared! Any success stories or literature with success rates? 11dpt 65 13dpt 154 15dpt 392. In all of the betas I had done I think I doubled once but they were going up and I refused to give up on my baby!! Sometimes, pregnant women bleed for no reason. I am happy it doubled but I can’t get over the first low beta. But ultrasound showed pregnancy in mY uterus with fetal pole. EDIT/UPDATE: 23 dpo was 2446 (55-56 hour doubling time). Enter the date of your first hCG test. The rate of increase then slows further and hCG levels reach a peak of around 100,000 mIU/ml by week 10. Also having brown spotting the last 24 hours. Beta on Wednesday was only 16. 7 mlU/ml (32hr doubling time) 18dp5dt - 1114 mlU/ml (49hr doubling time) 22dp5dt - 2657 mlU/ml (76hr doubling time) Add a Comment. Oct 16, 2003 · VERY LOW BETA HCG? POSSIBLE ECTOPIC? SUCESS STORIES?? t. But sometimes those numbers just don't look how they hope and it turns out just fine. Messages. Two days later it was 48, then 86, then 238, they eventually started doubling but it still ended in miscarriage. The second beta was a 54. May 2, 2016 · jamiegrim. I think I’m out : (. My beta # are low but doubling appropriately, my HPT have great progress and continues to get darker. Any success stories or Jess11111 • 1 year ago. Sad. 2 13dp5dt - 49. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. I’ll go back Friday for a third beta. It could also be a sign of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or a blighted ovum. . I had slow-rising betas--including a 64% and a 75% increase over 48-hour periods (so a doubling time of 67 and 59 hours)--and I'm now at almost 12 weeks and prenatal testing so far shows a healthy baby. 9dp5dt - 16. 3 and my progesterone was 22. That is the time period during which the hormone tends to 12 is a very low starting beta for 11 days post transfer. In IVF or FET Pregnancy. The numbers were also very low. My first beta was 14. First FET 10dp5dt was 49 and then 12dp5dt was 109. It's so unbearably awful. G. Oct 30, 2013 · 1st Beta 265 (TG) 11dp3dt. A week later, 18dpt, my beta was 212. It was 165 (126% increase). Idk what to expect. Oct 16, 2015 · Oct 16, 2015. Fresh transfer: Age 35, single untested embryo. These are so much slower than my LC even though still technically doubling. Women at high risk for ovarian hyperstimulation Feb 28, 2018 · it beta is low and not doubling there is no hope whatsoever. FET - Low beta hcg, slow rise, embryo measuring behind with HB. 7/21 - 20, 7/24 - 59 (46 hour doubling) , 7/27 - 228 (36 hour doubling) and 8/1 - 743 (71 hour doubling). In fact, the risk of pathogenic CMA results increased from 6 to 10% Aug 14, 2014 · gaga711. 32 15/16 Dpo: HCG 169 Prog. 10d5dt: 59, 12dp: 129, 16dp: 902. 2nd Beta 1150 14dp5dt. 5 weeks LMP: 18 – 7,340 mIU/mL. Beta hCG Doubling Time Calculator. So this pregnancy doubled and everything was looking great. My low betas didn’t double. The numbers are low, but the rise seems okay. Iwas put on 200 mg of prometrium once a day. 15 Replies. Almost exactly a 72 hr doubling rate and less than 60% rise over 48 hours so I’m feeling pretty discouraged, particularly with my history of early losses. Anyone know of someone having betas like this and it turning Low but doubling betas. My doctor told us it was a 50/50 shot at that point and my husband was optimistic. High hgc levels are usually associated with ectopic pregnancies, not low ones. I got my first VERY, VERY faint positive at 9dpo on easy @ home & premom, so faint you can barely see it - maybe even too faint to consider a positive, not sure. 11dp6dt : 32 13dp6dt: 69 15 dp6dt: 158. My numbers were awful. 3 draws ago doubling time 6/27 draw either 2. The nurse seemed excited over the results from draw 4, but I'm not sure if that Hi. I just had my third beta yesterday at 14dp5dt (72 hrs) and it went up to 373! I’m feeling very hopeful and excited now after being so crushed after our first beta of 42 and being sure it was a chemical. Thoughts on these betas? With my two living children my betas stayed doubling at 35 for a good amount of time. My RE said he was happy with the numbers and could rule out ectopic pregnancy at the 1st ultrasound on 8/15. Now it’s another week of waiting and an ultrasound to assess viability. i've already had 2 chemical pregnancies in withing this time. 17 dpo: 433 (34 hour doubling) 21 dpo: 1357 (58 hour doubling) I know that 48-72 hours is normal, but has anyone had betas this low at 21 dpo with a successful pregnancy? Less worried about ectopic this time but just as worried about loss. I hope this baby sticks. low betas with good doubling rates -- possible late implantation? sf71. So even though I know 8dpt is really early it was still so much lower it’s hard not to worry. Oct 13, 2021 · Hemodynamically stable patients with reduced beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels and a small mass on ultrasonography are managed with methotrexate therapy. Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!! Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!) Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Here is my hcg bloodwork so far: 10dpo: 11 12dpo: 30 (44 hours apart) 17dpo: 133; progesterone 11. May 15, 2020 · Beta human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) can be detected in pregnancy as early as eight days after ovulation. My betas were: 9dpt (14dpo): 12 11dpt: 23 13dpt: 48 15dpt: 143 And they stopped tracking after it got above 100. If the hCG level is decreasing the the half life will be calculated. I’m in panic mode right now. The nurse said these are low but doubling. 5, it continued to double appropriately, and resulted in my son. Now, bleeding paired with cramping and betas that aren't doubling-that would be reason for concern. F. The actual number, isn't really relevant. 7 with progesterone at 20. Researchers have found an association between low levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and pregnancy loss or miscarriage. Saw good growth and a strong heartbeat at 6w6d and then at the 8w ultrasound there was no more growth and no heartbeat. So I just got my second beta results: 11dp5dt- 21. Add a Comment. Really, as frustrating as it can be: you don’t know until you know. Should I have any hope for this? I feel like it’s going to end sadly and am so scared for the ultrasound. I got a BFP on Sunday, and started period-like bleeding a few hours later, which hasnt stopped since. 5 on 16dpiui, then 28. 14 The rate of increase in β-hCG levels, typically measured every 48 hours, can aid I had my first beta 2 days later at 9dpt (14dpo equivalent) and it was very low. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Betas so far - low 11dpo: 22. Below are the ranges of beta hCG by week following your Last Menstrual Period (LMP), according to the American Pregnancy Association. 19 DPO- 160. At 5 weeks my HCG was doubling fine, but progesterone was an 8 then two days later dropped to a 6. Beta at 11dp3dt was 12. I had a 13 week miscarriage last year and have since battle infertility. I had another beta yesterday, 48h later (13dp3dt), and it came back 37, so it more than doubled. Edit #2: Fourth beta test came back at 216 IU/L. @musicianlala30, thank you so much for the feedback!! With my first FET in 2016 we were away on vacation when I got my HPT BFP. Today is 19dp5dt and I will have a scan in 2 days(day 21 or 5w5d). Posted by u/Hairy-Concern-300 - 6 votes and 21 comments Jan 10, 2015 · My levels started strong 172 but the weren't doubling at some points taking more then 100hrs to double (the average 48-72hrs). Aug 1, 2011 · August 2011. I asked him why he thought it could be ectopic and he said that he didn't think it was, but I have an increased risk due to Results: The results demonstrated that low levels of free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) (≤0. I had 4 draws and the numbers were doubling nicely. Â Hcg levels started so low, but have been doubling. said the same thing about it needing to be at least a 5 to be viable, and said that he has seen levels of a 5 or more result in a healthy pregnancy. I’m 15dp6dt and my HCG is 158. My first beta on 8 DPO was 8, then 135 on 12 DPO, then 495 on 14DPO. ) 1st beta at 9dp5dt (14dpo) - 90 2nd beta at 21dp5dt (16dpo) - 129 92 hour doubling time 3rd beta at 15dp5dt (20dpo) - 487 50hr doubling time My RE says this is great news and we have an ultrasound scheduled at 5w6d for placement. Had FET 4/14 of two poor quality embryos. Here are my betas- 1/11-27, 1/14-53, 1/16- 77, 1/18- 108. I will say that there is some evidence our situation was partially due to noncompliance with medication (feel free to PM me) so may not be a representative data point. 8 (59 hr doubling time, 75% increase) 17dpo: 167. 3 more weeks til US. For an HCG of 7. 1 13dpo: 38. Posted 03-10-16. Lots of people have successful pregnancies with low betas. I had my second beta today 13DPT. Any words of wisdom/positivity will help. Very low but doubling betas. The third beta came back a 74. I feel like everyone else is at 5000 on 20dpo. 7 on 18dpiui, then 58. although the strip test was pretty faint it was the darkest BFP Aug 16, 2013 · I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. Both times, however, my betas fell well within normal ranges. Tested faint positive at 5dpt, test lines did not progress well. of recombinant FSH and low-dose hCG administered at 10– 20 IU/day. So again, appropriate doubling. You can have low and non-doubling betas and not have a loss. 8 today (20dpiui). My first beta was at 12dp5dt and was 257. At 7w3d we were measuring a week behind with a heart rate in the 80s. Beta at 13dp3dt was 29. I went in for a 4th beta test and an ultrasound. Sex and gender exist on spectrums. TTCBabyD. I was asked to come in again for another beta to see how it progresses) Beta 16dpt - 295. Review and Javascript by Mark A. I can’t help but feel disappointed the doubling time wasn’t as quick as between the first two (27 hours vs 33 hours) even though I realize it’s still within normal range. May 24, 2018 · My 1st beta was a 50. It’s usually a sign of an unviable pregnancy. 1 days, draw 7/1 either 5 days or 10 days - again depending on draw so like the utter definition of beta hell. Week 4: 5-426 mIU/ml. Low beta 12dp5dt - 107 - to have hope or not! 4. So great doubling times of under 30 hours. Actually, in all cases of a HB at 6-7w beta levels were around 75-100 at 14 dpo. Week 5: 18-7,340 mIU/ml. 6. Â I have been pregnant twice before (miscarried both) and always had low beta's on the SAME day: 32 with first pregnancy, and 100 with second pregnancy, so I was initially feeling very confident about my first beta. I hope this helps. All my successful pregnancies had much higher beta levels and faster doubling rates. I created this thread earlier this week about my first low beta that only showed 65 at 15 DPO. Well I went back 48 hours later (17 DPO) and I just got the call that second beta has Technically all my betas were within the 72 hr doubling time window but barely. Today (Friday) was 52. 4 and it continued to rise from there. This At 9dp5dt our first beta came back at 52. 29 mlU/ml. Sep 8 - 2nd Beta 8751 18dp3dt. Doctor didn't sound concerned and recommended I wait until we got home to get a 2nd beta. Hi - My first beta was taken 16 dpo, which was 11dp5dt. This resulted in a healthy baby girl that I’m truly thankful for everyday. First fresh transfer. 5 days) They are more than doubling but worried they are still low. Sep 15 - 3rd Beta - 43066 25dp3dt DS is born the 4th of May 2013 and we are so smitten! Project Sibling. My second beta draw was 6/28 morning and was 195. It’s doubling appropriately, so you’re not definitively out, but it’s not a good sign to have low betas this far along. I have read a lot of stories where low but doubling betas result still result in miscarriage, however there are a few where they have had successful pregnancies. report. Some charts still say that, despite being low, 15 was the limit to what could be considered a "normal" pregnancy. Beta 12dpt - 23 (at this point I am expecting it to be a chemical and start planning my next transfer) Beta 14dpt - 99 (to everyone’s surprise, my beta more than doubled as appropriate. Of course, I am still worried. 15dpo: 15 17dpo: 43 19dpo: 126 If I can still have hope, so can you friend 🙏🤞🙏🤞 I don't know which way it will be going, but here are my numbers thus far. Spiraling a little. 21 at 10dpt is very low, but you do have good doubling. Still a long way to go but my doctors aren’t the least bit concerned. I had the same low hCG with my first IVF cycle last year, started low and not doubling (16 on 12 dpo, 22 on 16 dpo), then doubled correctly, then slowed again, and finally I ended up m/c'ing in my 10th week. When hCG levels are lower than average or slow to rise, this could indicate that the estimated date of gestation has been miscalculated. 3 on day 11, consistent doubling would mean an HCG of close to 1,000 on 25 dpo, which would, regardless of the consistent doubling, still be an extremely low HCG for that many days post ovulation. My second failed pregnancy had low but doubling betas. No clue what's going on. Cautiously optimistic because of my low beta rise but God saved us once, I I hoping this baby continues to have miracle growth We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 8 days or 3. You can usually expect your hCG level to stop rising between week eight and week 11 of pregnancy. Hi, I posted about a possible tubal pregnancy a few days ago. i finally got a nice BFP on 07/03/16 on both strip and digital. I’ll go back Monday for another draw. I had over 26000 at some point. I’m now not optimistic that this one will stick. Normal HCG levels range widely in early pregnancy. After your hCG level passes 6,000 mIU/ml, it may take more than 4 days to double. April 2014 FET - BFN Third IVF Cycle. I had my first beta 2 days ago and it was 286, my beta today was 521. I know betas starting this low are never a good sign, but is there any hope ? Anyone have similar betas turn out ok? Should I prepare for miscarriage ? I was really hoping my third beta would shoot up :/ I will just tell you my experience. The two main methods of controlled ovarian hy-perstimulation used either GnRH agonist down-regulation during the luteal phase of the prior menstrual cycle or intra-cycle antagonist administration as described elsewhere (19). This was my last beta (unless I beg my doc for Feb 16, 2016 · I also had low (but doubling) HCG. Enter Beta hell. I had users from here encouraging me that there’s still a chance and others had been successful but I knew in my gut it was another abnormal pregnancy. The doctor called and said to take a third and if doesn’t go up then they will take me off estrogen and progesterone. 5 19dpo: 261 (48 hours apart) Waiting to hear from my doctor since it’s the weekend. It’s gotten slightly darker everyday. 8 It has doubled but still extremely low. At 13dp5dt my number was 72. Beta HCG at 16 dpo was 21. D. Me - 32 DW - 36 DS - 1 Second IVF Cycle. 1 day ago · TW: Current Pregnancy/low beta hcg. Best. 0. It was a dismal 19. I know it's doubling fast enough but it just seems too low to get excited! 10dpt beta was 76 and 14dpt was 266, low and not quite doubling. Beta hCG (aka β-hCG ) is a quantitative serum test (done by your fertility clinic) to determine the level of hCG hormone present in your blood. 18dpt (23dpo) - 1523, doubling time 36 hours. Feb 5, 2018. I now have a healthy, beautiful, perfect 8 month old! 15 DPO- 19 (yikes) 17 DPO- 64. Serum β-HCG is proportional to the number and activity of the trophoblastic cells, and research shows that a higher serum β-HCG level is associated with pregnancy outcomes and IVF success. Next, enter the results from the beta hCG test into the IVF hCG calculator. Thanks so much. May 4, 2016 at 4:37 PM. Feeling optimistic with 1 beta left on Friday. Update : 19dpt 955 (74 hour doubling time, slowed a lot) 9 comments. If you are pregnant, your hCG levels will be significantly higher than the average person. That’s why I am going in for a scan at 6 weeks this time to make sure we see a heartbeat. 37 multiples of the median) and increased fetal nuchal translucency (NT) (≥3. 4 weeks LMP: 5 – 426 mIU/mL. 02/28/2018 20:51. Beta’s as follows: Beta #1 on 10dp5dt: 173 Beta #2 on 12dp5dt: 333 (close to doubling but not quite). This period increases to about every 96 hours as you get further along. My first beta draw was on 6/23 afternoon at around ~13-14DPO (3w6d) and came back 60. Sending you all the love prayers and baby dust! Posted by u/patootiebah - 2 votes and 6 comments Dec 2, 2020 · However, home kits are available and can test hCG levels as early as 4 to 5 days after implantation. Jun 14, 2021 · By week six or seven, for example—about halfway through your first trimester—it may take about 3. 46 So they are doubling around every 34 hours…but still lower than normal Share Any success stories with similar betas welcome, I need them right now. 6 depending on draw u got with. My doctor called and said it’s a chemical pregnancy and my levels should drop. 16/17dpo- 64. Edit: Third beta test came back at 105 IU/L. r/CautiousBB. So doubling in the right timeframe, but obviously started off extremely low. Low betas can be an indicator that the baby isn't developing appropriately or your body isn't responding appropriately but can yield a healthy pregnancy and live birth. ️ Aug 3, 2020 · 13/14 DPO - 59 HCG (46 hour doubling time, 105% 2-day increase) 16/17 DPO - 228 HCG (36 hour doubling time, 145% 2-day increase) 21/22 DPO - 743 HCG (71 hour doubling time, 60% 2-day increase) I know it can vary from 48-72 hours in doubling time but that 4th beta with a 71-hour doubling time has me very concerned. I started off with an extremely low beta, which has been doubling appropriately but is still significantly below the median: 8dpt (13dpo) - 17 11dpt (16dpo) - 70, doubling time 38 hours. 9/10dpo- 3. Business, Economics, and Finance. 4 cycles later here I sit in late implantation and beta hell. 3 weeks LMP: 5 – 50 mIU/mL. I've been checking wondfos and they do seem to be gradually getting darker. My Betas have been doubling (yay!) but the numbers are SO LOW. jr wd bw mh sz an wr zm gs rm