Recyclerview load faster

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

setAdapter(mRecAdapter); //set load more listener for the RecyclerView adapter. Jun 16, 2017 · 19. 1' it was faster it was loading in a seconds . After I get a new List of products, I tried to: Update the ArrayList from the fragment where recyclerView is creat Oct 5, 2016 · RecyclerView drag-drop - using ItemTouchHelper - How to set scrolling speed faster while dragging? Jul 12, 2015 · Update the ArrayList from the fragment where recyclerView is created, set new data to adapter, and then call adapter. The problem is the poor scrolling performance. In this post, I will show how to manually do that without the use of any libraries. My adapter have a pattern implementation only for inflate the layout. Then it works as expected. Hide the RecyclerView in the onCreate () of your activity or onCreateView () of your fragment: recyclerView. public void onResponse(String response) {. more data loading for users (more internet usage, more loading times - when users wants back to previous data) pagination has to be designed more carefully. ) and the images take a while to load. Sep 23, 2020 · I am loading an image from memory into a RecyclerView. Reply. while (halfHeight / inSampleSize >= reqHeight && halfWidth / inSampleSize >= reqWidth) {. Add diffUtil to your recyclerviews adapter. It reduces the number of calls to findViewById (), which can be costly. Usually, when a RecyclerView has scrolling performance issues, it's because. id. GONE); Now the problem is for the first time loading takes 20seconds. But when I run the app some images dont load. Step 2: Add the below dependency in your build. After loading items, notify the adapter. Sep 27, 2019 · val layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(this@MainActivity, 2) setLayoutManager(layoutManager) // for grid layout manager, loader by default is ugly, to fix use fixGridSpan. I basically did 2 changes in case this helps others: 1. The given value must either be larger than 0, or #OFFSCREEN_PAGE_LIMIT_DEFAULT. But When i have upgraded to latest version both gradle version of database and UI it takes minutes to load initially. Because of the lack, which is caused by loading the data from the server, the initial view is empty. Perhaps instead of recycler view inside May 23, 2024 · The RecyclerView requests views, and binds the views to their data, by calling methods in the adapter. I have a RecyclerView. We apply load more when reaching to the end of the list. It takes time to mold the code using caching method and loading images before the fragment is displayed. Add the below and check the performance. May 7, 2020 · Implementation: Step 1. in lazyloading data will load per page it means if you have a large amount of data. Create a ViewHolder Jan 10, 2021 · I decided to follow that approach but faced the first problem — AsyncLayoutInflater (mainly used for async loading of UI) doesn’t support databinding. Nov 21, 2019 · 2. Each item in the RecyclerView has an image. android:layout_width="match_parent". RecyclerView: notifyDataSetChanged() If you see every item in your RecyclerView being rebound—and thus re-laid out and re-drawn in one frame—make sure you're not calling notifyDataSetChanged() , setAdapter(Adapter) , or Jan 28, 2020 · Set the number of pages that should be retained to either side of the currently visible page(s). (outside the RecyclerView) Also, inside the OnBindViewHolder, a method is called to update a table in the DB, with the values just entered and captured. Load data in chunks with the PagedList: To start using paging, replace all the List data to PagedList in the ViewModels and its observers in activities and fragments. recyclerview in kotlin returns only 1 item. You can use one of the layout managers provided by the RecyclerView library, or you can define your own. Add a footer view to your recyclerview which includes Load More button. I have already visited/tried these links --- RecyclerView doesn't load data in first launch using FirebaseRecyclerAdapter-- RecyclerView doesn't load items on first start of activity Sep 15, 2017 · So just after clicking the recyclerview if I see only first 10 row, it is loading first images one after one. I'm using Glide to load the images (size is 30-80 KB / image). Hang on for the part II, it will be out soon. I saw that the Activity is launched after recyclerView. Alternately, if you launch a coroutine per file instead of processing them sequentially in a single coroutine you may get some speed up from parallel processing. gradle file and allow internet permission in the manifests file. When we have got more than one image it becomes a nightmare. public Student(String name) {. kt and add the following code: data class CharacterInfo(. It loads much faster with ScrollView, but scrolling is affected in that case. beside that adding property ( setNestedScrollingEnabled(false); ) to the recyclerview and ( setHasStableIds) to the adapter does help to make recyclerview work smoothly. layout. The layout manager arranges the individual elements in your list. The Image field is empty. Is there any way to load image faster with glide. I have used for loading images. edited Jun 14, 2020 at 10:43. Context: public class HealFragment extends Fragment {. Now the problem is, when i scroll fast to the 10th item, all 10 items are loading. Easy (and dirty) solution: Add a synchronized on the method. name = name; public String getName() {. java: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String name; public Student() {. Using a RecyclerView has the following key steps: Define a model class to use as the data source. You might have a look. 0-alpha02) and Compose (1. Now we Feb 19, 2016 · 1. To not repeat myself, in this article I will just post the code for newly added classes and code where changes were made Base RecyclerView Adapter for easier and faster implementation of recyclerview, Implement your RecyclerView in less than 5 min with a full customized adapter that fit all your basic needs Just start with designing your list item and let the magic happened. Listener<String>() {. onChanged would be called when data set of adapter changes but I need to know when the adapter would bind with the recycler view. Make Aug 29, 2022 · RecyclerView in Android with Example. It is an improvement on both of them and can be found in the latest v-7 support packages. Apr 5, 2018 · 1. b) The views you're displaying reference objects which use lots of memory (like large images), so the Android Garbage Collector (GC) has to do lots of work to free up Good news I fixed the issue (but unsure of the root cause though). Use ViewHolder Pattern: ViewHolder pattern is essential for optimizing RecyclerView performance. Also attaching here the whole code of the Adapter Nov 2, 2015 · I am developing an application where I use RecyclerView in which I have ana image and two texts. Apr 9, 2019 · 0. Request API to get list response (request api in Worker Thread). Here is the BackgroundTask that load the data Jun 8, 2017 · RecyclerView adapter doesn't load data on first launch after Permission check. New holder is created in onCreateViewHoler and the return value goes by onBindViewHolder, which handles UI changes like putting images into ImageView. Create a new adapter, as others did, and it worked for them, but there wasn't any change for me: recyclerView. com Jul 14, 2018 · 4. As you can see that after inflating 4+ items we have a frame which Jun 9, 2020 · 1) Move long-running task away from UI thread: I noticed that your data is coming from Room + Retrofit. But I'd appreciate a more complete approach to this. Set this to OFFSCREEN_PAGE_LIMIT_DEFAULT to use RecyclerView's caching strategy. Hope you have used latest version of glide. Good solution: You have to use an other thread for decoding your bitmap. Wrap both your RecyclerView and your loading layout (or TextView) inside a FrameLayout. Create a RecyclerView. the delay is normal. Maybe some of the items being different heights isn't helping. Also, if you are using a recycler view inside the scroll view, make sure to set nested scrolling to false. Cons: more work to write the code. Solutions: 1. Jun 2, 2021 · We pageable this by 30 items/request to apply load more in recyclerview in Android. Method. recycle); // set a GridLayoutManager with default vertical orientation and 2 number of columns. public void onChanged() {. Jun 1, 2021 · setContentView(R. Sep 4, 2015 · Step 2: Create a new model class and put it in Example. Once loaded the scrolling is also perfect. 3. In general, the RecyclerView keeps as 3. Dec 4, 2018 · From JSON file I get almost (200-300 image URL), I'm trying to load 10 images by 10 images to make the images load quickly instead of loading all the images (200-300) at once . It has been created to make possible construction of any lists with XML layouts as an item which can be customized Mar 12, 2018 · public class Song_Adapter extends RecyclerView. mRecAdapter. Adapter. My code: Jan 3, 2020 · In my application, I need to show the data as in the photo. Enough Talk. Pages beyond this limit will be recreated from the adapter when needed. ANR service called because of this. May 23, 2024 · Migration steps. I have a recycler view in an Activity where sometimes I show a lot of elements. Here are my layout files: Feb 20, 2016 · RecyclerView will re-use the view and call onBindViewHolder on it. or even by displaying dummy items while asynchornously loading the actual items (image loaders do that kind of thing). List item. gradle at the end of repositories: Mar 3, 2016 · you will notice that when you scroll down you will see progress bar and more data will loaded at this case we this app load only some of data and when user scroll more data will loaded. answered Oct 28, 2018 at 18:42. The scrolling listener will probably not help, as it occurs "all the time", and I just need to check only when the RecyclerView has changed its size or when the items count (or data) has changed. If I scrolling from top to the bottom I get OutOfMemoryException in the end. Since the Csv File is very large ( many thousand of rows ) when I try to show all the rows in the RecyclerView, app crashes. load(url). Enable Disk Cache. I myself used Picasso and now images load quite fast as I scroll. Feb 16, 2023 · In the following, we are going to accomplish a basic Android app that uses the powerful RecyclerView. Listview. ALL) Glide. Dec 26, 2022 · Its image loading speed is faster. Jul 17, 2017 · main activity class. ) copy out 50000 elements into memory on a background thread and have fun with the memory usage. 0. in that order so it will show like i want it to. If positon is over ten, onCreateViewHoler is not called and the onBindViewHolder reuses the holders existed. Feb 11, 2017 · I have a recyclerview inside a fragment activity that uses a button to bring up an alert dialog box to get input for 2 string variables. whatever you can do to make loading time faster. But how to achieve that if some of items can be loaded faster than others? See full list on medium. fixGridSpan(2) // call function setupData with page 1. I know there is plenty of similar questions. Each block is divided by 10x10. //This code is executed if the server responds, whether or not the response contains data. After i scroll down though and reach the end of the RecyclerView for the first Feb 2, 2020 · My temporary solution as you might see in the onStart () method of the HealFragment class is adding a 0. The problem is that when the number of elements is very high the recycler view needs some seconds to render the elements and it's frustrating. // height and width larger than the requested height and width. This is the container for the Lazy list that you'll add: <FrameLayout. this. You define the adapter by extending RecyclerView. Don't load them Before the Click Though, let it load after the click – Sep 20, 2015 · The recyclerView might also change its size when the keyboard appears and hides itself. RecyclerView is calling onCreateViewHolder() times equal to your data size. setVisibility(GONE); Feb 22, 2015 · This will store the exact scroll position at all times in mScrollY. 3. g — Reverse order queue, load only which are in viewport. diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy. getViewTreeObserver (). The images are loaded only when i scroll to them. setVisibility(View. setOnLoadMoreListener(new OnLoadMoreListener() {. When I scroll up and then scroll down the images are shown. RecyclerView recycles the holders as ten holders are only created. adapter recyclerview load-more Resources. If you are using the same image in all the Views of the same viewType then load the image in onCreateViewHolder method of the adapter and not in onBindViewHolder. Register the AdapterdataObserver to the RecyclerView. Adapter adapter; public static Intent makeIntent(Context context) {. So you should only be loading / showing items as needed, such that you should only have to use the fromHtml method a handful of times as the user scrolls. Nov 16, 2016 · airrports = realm. And also loading large data in recyclerview can cause lag in ui. I passed to my adapter (in the fragment file) a list of object and the context. Mar 11, 2018 · Below is my activity that I am calling the RecyclerView on. Add it in your root build. removeOnGlobalLayoutListerner (this); This line will ensure it is called only once and doesn't hang the device. copyFromRealm(airps, 0); That's because you're copying 50000 objects from your zero-copy database on your UI thread. How to make it faster? I used part loading (adapter. private RecyclerView rlist; private LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager; private DividerItemDecoration dividerItemDecoration; private List<Riders> ridersList; private RecyclerView. When the scroll is reaching to the end of the content then load the next 50 or 100. A RecyclerView uses a limited number of View items that are reused when they go off-screen. As we know that the RecyclerView works on the principle of "Reuse View Using Pool" wherever possible. setAdapter(new RecyclerViewAdapter(newArrayList)) Create a method in Adapter Mar 30, 2019 · you are loading a few images on Click. We use Glide to load image to Item View (Load image to ImageView in Main Thread). Jan 3, 2024 · Inside Systrace, you can click RecyclerView-traced sections to see an explanation of the work RecyclerView is doing. Jan 15, 2022 · e. Feb 21, 2019 · TWO — Add Image Signature Guess, what if the image on same URL is changed? Glide will show the old image from cache. activity_main); // get the reference of RecyclerView. POST, urlJsonArray, new Response. Mar 27, 2022 · I have made a RecyclerView. This solution will not be very good for UI. These are blocks 200x200 and more. I've added a github project to describe how this can be done. Step 1: Create a New Project. Here is my code: Jan 18, 2018 · RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView freezes the Activity when loading large amount of data. Jun 15, 2018 · When i was using firebase database and storage10. If you want text: add LinearLayout and place there ProgressBar and TextView (trigger visibility on linearLayout): ProgressBar bar; Show progressBar when you're making a request and hide recicleView: bar. So, bottom line is, if your recyclerview has image to load from network make Sep 30, 2023 · Step by Step Implementation. You need to use the "Picasso" library to load image asynchronously, and also make sure that the size of the image which you load is similar to the size of image view in the layout, using the fit() function. If you learned something new from this post, don’t forget to hit the 👏 icon . 📦 Enable the RecyclerView to support loading more and customizing the footer view without modifying the original adapter of the RecyclerView. After state restoration and after your RecyclerView has reset all its data reset the scroll with this: mRecyclerView. I am loading the image in that ImageView using Glide, when I scroll down the RecyclerView it loads images and this is fine, but after I scroll back they are disapearing. but I have a problem Jan 17, 2019 · I am working with a Webservice from which I am fetching the images using retrofit. If data has 200 items, it freezes for onCreateViewHolder() to be called 200 times. An easy approach would be to use the Picasso Library. It is Ideal for long lists of similar items. Adapter<Song_Adapter. If we have the use-case of Nested RecyclerView. val requestOptions = RequestOptions(). I have successfully created the database and can add items to the database from the alertdialog input, but I want to populate the recyclerview with the database when the app initially starts up. This is my process : ReadFile. Store this variable in your Bundle, and restore it in state restoration to a different variable, we'll call it mStateScrollY. RestarantListAdapter restarantListAdapter = new RestarantListAdapter(activity, restaurants_1); LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager1 = new LinearLayoutManager(activity, RecyclerView. 1. The test device is quite old: Samsung Galaxy S3. ") trigger loading, manual paging via buttons/swiping/. While the other solutions will work just fine, I would like to suggest, this is a much faster and efficient way of showing multiple lists in a RecyclerView. 在不改动 RecyclerView 原有的 adapter 的情况下,使 RecyclerView 滑动到底部 Sep 10, 2017 · Check Twitter pagination for one of the way to achieve same results each time. setAdapter(adapter). Jul 12, 2015 · I am trying to figure out what is the issue with updating RecyclerView's Adapter. Since we are designing a list, the first step will obviously be to implement the UI data model and layout for the list items. If Jan 3, 2024 · val halfHeight: Int = height / 2. setItemViewCacheSize(20); recyclerView. mRecAdapter = new RecyclerAdapter(recylerView, primiumgameDetailsArrayList, getActivity(), cost); recylerView. There are few ways for better image loading and caching, credit goes to this nice article . Add ProgressBar to your class and layout (near your recicleView). The row in the recyclerview contains an ImageView. Nov 17, 2020 · I have everything set up and I set up also a function to read the Csv File, but I have a problem. Images that are returned from the BE could weight up to 500kb. private View mView; Jan 5, 2023 · Open CPU Profiler -> select “CPU profiling mode” as “Trace System Calls” and press “record”. Readme License. MyViewHolder> implements FastScrollRecyclerView. 5 second delay (Handler) before attaching the Adapter to the RecyclerView. The second problem — preserving the order of the data set when RecyclerView is loaded. 0. To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. Remove the recycler view and just hardcode into the activity. To fix lags while loading large data you should use pagination in recyclerview. No need to dispose nor set the ViewCompositionStrategy. Jan 2, 2018 · Within the OnBindViewHolder, each value entered by the user is captured using a text watcher, and then totals are calculated and displayed real-time in the footer of the parent view. With this last change, the transaction is faster, but the progressBar looks stopped all the time and the buttons can't be used (the onPostExecute is taking 4 seconds to load and show the recyclerView). 23. To migrate your RecyclerView implementation to Compose, follow these steps: Comment out or remove the RecyclerView from your UI hierarchy and add a ComposeView to replace it if none is present in the hierarchy yet. Pros: less data in memory. Use setRecycledViewPool for Optimizing Nested RecyclerView. The recyclerview has to ben shown first. Feb 25, 2015 · You could solve e. May 22, 2015 · As a last line in the onGlobalLayout (), you will need to remove the Listener: recyclerView. Not api call. that Oct 10, 2021 · The latest version of RecyclerView (1. A RecyclerView already scrolls by itself. I am showing those images in imageView and used a recyclerview to load multiple images. Dec 31, 2017 · In other words, I want that the loading time to be spent in the second Activity will not in the first one, so when the user clicks on the first Activity the second Activity appears immediately but without the items that will load after a second. So, in the client, we use Xrecyclerview Lib to show the list. Jun 11, 2020 · You have to make sure you are using small size of images and also small dimensions of images you are using. I have to re-tap the tab to get the data. GridLayoutManager gridLayoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(getApplicationContext(),2); Oct 29, 2018 · 0. A RecyclerView Adapter that support load more and add headerview Topics. setDrawingCacheQuality(View. Jan 31, 2017 · The transaction was still slow and I added an AsyncTask. Sep 3, 2020 · We should use this method if the height of all the items is equal. Is there anything I can do to speed up the loading of images. I want to say option 2 is better in this case because its almost certainly not going 1. The solution is usually to convert your data to one flat list of items and display that in one RecyclerView ( yes section headers and items and cards and images, all in the same list) Use a single recycler view with a Concat adapter. – Apr 15, 2022 · What is the goal? In the last post, I demonstrated how to create a RecyclerView and load data from the external API, particularly we used the Picasso library to load and cache images for us. Before async loading. @SoliQuiD please remove your downvote, The answer is valid because Approved by OP. //called When the data in the adapter is changed. My code in adapter class Apr 30, 2016 · StringRequest MyStringRequest = new StringRequest(Request. into(imageView) 2. This case of RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView. a) You're doing too much work in onBindView, which is called every time a new item comes on screen. Add a RecyclerView to your activity to display the items. I used RecyclerView in another RecyclerView to get this view, but it is slow. setVisibility(VISIBLE); recicleView. The point of RecyclerView is to be fast by only showing a "window" into your data set. 1. Note that select Java as the programming language. VERTICAL, false); Dec 6, 2016 · Solution: use load more event like this. Is to do lazy loading. it will load small bunch of them and while you scroll down it Jul 27, 2022 · It will resize the images for the target view and cache the resized images for faster reloads. There are 11 such items. Jul 24, 2021 · I am using local database to load records on recyclerview the problem is the size of records its about six thousand and when I click to open or show those records in recyclerview my device stuck f I have created RecyclerView example basing on Creating Lists and Cards guide. Here is my recyclerviewcode. I am using the extension function below to convert base 64 to bitmap. I tried setting attributes like setAutoMeasure and setNestedScrollingEnabled which did not help. Jun 9, 2018 · The problem that I am facing is that it is loading images very slowly. 0-beta02) have improved support and performance for Compose when used in RecyclerView thanks to the PoolingContainer library it uses. When there is only one image in the thread the loading time is acceptable. Adapter and ViewHolder to render the item. in prefetch if data is large it take more time on first time loading but in second time it will load from catch so after once data loaded and stored in catch second time it will load fast . 2. with(context). Have a look here for some examples. Create a custom row layout XML file to visualize the item. The initial data is load with Retrofit from a web-API. In the following section, we’ll demonstrate Endless Scrolling on RecyclerView by populating a List of Strings and loading the next set of List after a delay using Handlers. This doesn't work when you start an activity. I wonder why. Sep 25, 2023 · 1. Create a file named CharacterInfo. 0 license Activity. @Override. . Let’s code. Nov 29, 2016 · I have a RecyclerView and each item of RecyclerView is having ImageView. setHasFixedSize(true); recyclerView. setupData(this, 1) // use paging listener for endless recycler view and loaded data. a basic user interface for displaying service results in a recycler view is shown below: the markup for the main activity simply declares an instance of. Apache-2. DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH); i hope it helps someone else too. I'm not entirely sure about the rest of your problem, but I will say that you absolutely need to add some margin to those list items. By default, Room must operate in async manner, unless allowMainThreadQueries() is called. RecyclerView is a ViewGroup added to the android studio as a successor of the GridView and ListView. Glide is module for Jul 6, 2015 · 0. What I've tried. I don't know what kind of lag you encountered in this case, but give it a try, maybe it will be faster. 1' and firebase-ui-database:1. The issue is that when the MainActivity (which contains the below code and the recyclerview) is first initialized there is a substantial lag in the UI (very laggy and choppy scrolling, options menu takes 3 seconds to open etc. . Save it as List of List of String. sleep() in there for delaying the data-assignment to the Recycler-View adapter. It will fix it. Too few items for RecyclerView on screen. apply(requestOptions). notifyDataSetChanged(); it did not work. setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); recyclerView. Feb 7, 2019 · RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView scroll faster, but when we remove NestedScrollView RecyclerView is not working smoothly, it stuck while scrolling and after full loaded, no problem in scrolling,it take some time to load data when it is inside RecyclerView without NestedScrollView Aug 9, 2020 · 1. 2. Instead, you could create the views on demand, as the user swipes between tabs. If you did called allowMainThreadQueries(), you can check your code if you accidentally trying to fetch data on UI thread. RecyclerView header and footer. Your method onBindViewHolder take time to load and set the bitmap. – Tyler V. And then when I go back to other page and if the internet connection is not there, the other images are not loading. From phone memory. so try I would like to suggest to use a single RecyclerView and populate your list items dynamically. But glide is something from heaven 😍 — it comes with the solution. g. This saves memory and makes it faster to update list items as the user scrolls through data, because it is not necessary to create a new View for every item that appears. scrollBy(0, mStateScrollY); 9. @BindingAdapter(value = ["app:imageStr"]) Setting recyclerView parameters as below solved my stutter problem : recyclerView. On LTE image that weights ~150kb is loading for even 8 seconds. Set both of them to match_parent for width and height. val halfWidth: Int = width / 2. Textview. notifyDataSetChanged) but scrolling working bad. The same View with the image already loaded will be recycled (reused) and not loaded again and again, the result will be for sure faster. // Calculate the largest inSampleSize value that is a power of 2 and keeps both. recyclerview. How can avoid this? Ah, I enter the data in a Room database. by implement auto loading via scroll listeners or special items that when displayed (a list item that says "loading. Oct 23, 2015 · from my experience with recyclerview what i found the possible cause could be is the image size. When clicking the button, make a request for next 8 items. ) don't copy the elements out from the zero-copy database. Jul 14, 2019 · The problem is that you're trying to load all items from the database in one go. what you should do is to bring down bitmap sizes. edited Nov 9, 2017 at 15:33. Jan 21, 2017 · I have an android app that's load data from php to recyclerview and show it on cards , I load more data every time the scroller gets to some point , the problem is that it still load the data pretty slowly and I don't know how to make it load faster. Please see my comment in the Jan 31, 2019 · These methods help you to improve your RecyclerView performance and maybe they could solve your all problems but in my case, my list scrolled with a bad lag especially on Samsung devices. Aug 3, 2022 · In order to detect that the user has scrolled to the end of the RecyclerView, we need to implement OnScrollListener() on the RecyclerView. Currently I have a Thread. SectionedAdapter { ArrayList<Song_base> song_info Apr 9, 2019 · Load more recyclerview Items on click of "more" button with url. RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R. lw ah ek sd pa ys gb ze fr az