Salv in sap abap

And just before then end of field catalog form put this code. Participant Options. e. For this Grid, you must use the method ADD_FUNCTION of class CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS to have your function added in the The tree structure is comprised of the following areas: The Structure. Step3. For example the class CL_SALV_TABLE actually wraps around both the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class for container implementation, as well as the ABAP Sample Report program with join condition and using cl_salv_table class. Dirk. CONCATENATE ld_linesc 'Rows selected. The method is implemented in class CL_ALV_COLUMNS_LIST and this class is the superclass from CL_SALV_COLUMNS_TABLE. I am able to get the row number, but cannot seem to figure out how to get the actual row itself. Like: DATA: LO_COLS_TAB TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_COLUMNS_TABLE, LO_COL_TAB TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_COLUMN_TABLE. columns = 2 ). · OO way (Only Instance methods) – To get the hang of class and method concept. 2) Press F3 goes into standard SLVC_FULLSCREEN routine tree_exit. Standard Text. CATCH cx_salv_not_found . To use this method, you need to create your own PF-STATUS with the required function in it. DATA: alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table . Set the BACK code of your ALV and this will take you back to selection screen. *Create alv object. ABAP Development. You need to first set the Key using the SET_KEY mehtod and than use the method SET_KEY_FIXATION to freeze those key columns. endtry. With the class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, you can make settings that affect the appearance of the entire table. I also show you ALV Grid control allows you to add your own functions triggered by a button press on the ALV toolbar. I am using cl_salv_table to dispay report and I need to hide some of my column present in gt_table I did this using SET_VISIBLE method. Using ICON constants in ABAP. Apply Filters to SALV Table In the series of the SALV Model Table display in SAP ABAP, today we will see how to apply Filters to the ALV Grid. If you instantiate any GUI control (in your case, it's the ALV grid) inside a container in which there was already a control which has not been freed up (in your case, the ALV grid first instantiated using cl_salv_table=>factory ), then the old control still shows up, the new one is not shown. The DISPLAY parameters suppresses subsequent ALV display and not the screen display. Standard text is a long text and are not stored in SAP tables directly instead it is compressed & stored in the long raw data format in the table STXH and STXL. Today we will discuss how to add the Header and Footer using the SALV model. ob_salv_filter = ob_salv_filters->add_filter( columnname = 'CURRENCY_SFLIGHT' ) . You can format ABAP code with [CODE] button, this way: DATA: lo_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table, lt_data TYPE TABLE OF your_table_type, " Replace with your table type lt_selected_rows TYPE salv_t_row, ls_selected_row TYPE LINE OF lt_data. So you do not repeat get_columns many times (bit better performance). Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). I have a Lotus 123 button on my SALV toolbar when I utilize methods: CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS->GET_FUNCTIONS( ) and ->SET_ALL( abap_true ). '. lo_sort_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_sort. This is the concept I have used here, to create the Excel file – create a table and then add groupings and indentations to it. the call hierarchy. By fixing the column. i looked around and i only found a method - expand_all - for tree structure. set_functions = lo_gr_alv->c_functions_all. position = if_salv_c_function_position=>right_of_salv_functions ). It looks like it is not possible with the SALV. The structure is defined by the initial table that you specify with the FACTORY method. DATA: LO_AGGRS TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_AGGREGATIONS. The template steps for such displaying would be following: no_autodef_progid_dynnr = abap_true. the internal table t_selected_rows contains indexes of the rows selected. 2)Then, use the get_column method to get access to the CHECKBOX column. In your program in the REUSE FM pass the form name (subroutine) to the parameter I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET. Thanks, Venkat. I change the custom column name. g. i. Could you please help, my requirement is to send an ALV report as a PDF attachement to a list of email address. And it bypass short,medium and 2) First set up the print parameters of spool. something like this : data: lo_selections type ref to cl_salv_selections. 3) calling the cl_salv_tree->factory etc as far as gr_tree->display ( ) with new data. The GUI-STATUS gives you the ability to use standard ALV and custom simple buttons (no drop-down buttons as with CL_GUI_ALV_GRID). You can change the order of columns. To those who hasn’t read the previous so many discussion, out of box solution means a single method to make it editable. Hi, I am displaying some of the ALV cells as buttons using SALV factory method. Download Data into Word Document using OLE Use the below steps to display simple table using ALV Object Model (Class CL_SALV_TABLE). SELECT * FROM t002 INTO TABLE I will show a small example report getting some entries from MARA and using CL_SALV_TABLE to display the same in ALV in four ways here. You can use the TOOLBAR event of the cl_gui_alv_grid, where SALV is based on, so: Class Definition, Methods: <method> FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING sender e_object. Create ALV Report in SAP ABAP. Submit the report and store output in spool and then read the spool. You specify which standard ALV functions are to be available to I am using cl_salv_table to dispay report and I need to hide some of my column present in gt_table I did this using SET_VISIBLE method. You can find all the previous discussion at Tutorials > SALV Table Display . DESCRIBE TABLE it_out LINES ld_lines. By Naimesh Patel | September 21, 2008 | SALV Table, SALV Tutorial, Tutorials | 81,766 | 6. When the program runs for a single record, it doesn't return that in ALV, that's why the class is not able to capture the content. Read this. catch cx_salv_existing cx_salv_wrong_call. it's working, but the grid is not visible, i don't know why. I dont find any option there to optimize my column widths unlike we pass cwidth_opt = 'X' in regular ALV. Thank You. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. ALV with IDA lets you display views and tables that contain very large quantities of data. how to create Create OOPS ALV REPORT (Header information EKKO) using CL_ SALV_TABLE. As a table control Here, there are also two options: Full screen table (ALV Grid) : As default the ALV will be displayed as ALV grid as shown in the above example ; in a SAP-GUI container Here is an example. Hi all, When i create ALV . A row is at least as high as its highest cell. number. I am using ALV Object Model (using class CL_SALV_TABLE) to display a ALV. Thanks Kiran Now for the ALV coulnns create an input field type reference cl_salv_wd_uie_input_field and bind the read only to this attribute. Hi, Follow the following steps. t_table = gt_data. in any parameter you have to go with uppercase, because it is stored this way in DB and not every API convert them before accessing. The following sample report show customer data ("Header"; KNB1) in the first ALV list and sales areas ("Detail"; KNVV) for the selected customer in the second ALV list. The above code is at the end of select query and before start of Filed catalogs form. get_columns( ). and use the method get_selected_rows to get the rows selected. But I am not able to trigger or handle this button click using an event 'IF_SALV_EVENTS_ACTIONS_TABLE~LINK_CLICK' of the class 'CL_SALV_EVENTS_TABLE'. Create the object reference variable. Check this sample report. gr_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container. End users can continue to work on the familiar interface. First, you need to create a program to develop the ALV report. Step 4 :- In start of selection, write a select query from VBAK table. *--- This code is to get the layout,save the layout and display the layout. It does this in routine display_fullscreen by: 1) calling the cl_salv_tree->factory etc as far as gr_tree->display ( ). Try to create the hotspot in one of the column in the ALV display and call the POP up screen to display the required text in that pop up on the selection of particular line in at user command event. This allows you to tailor the CL_SALV_TABLE includes a toolbar and events where you can make calculations, save data, and make a very interactive report. Contain programs that demonstrate BAPI concept. Hey, thank you for the compilation. How to get the LA I am building a SALV and my layout is Type ref to CL_SALV_LAYOUT. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development so I know you don't In this video I show you how to create custom buttons on the application toolbar when using CL_SALV_TABLE. ENDCLASS. This blogs mainly cover the topic to display standard text (T-code: SO10) is abap list viewer (ALV) with IDA which uses CDS as data source. In ABAP for self learning we need more sample program to get clarity and clarification to understand things better. Global AFTER_REFRESH. lo_aggrs = co_alv->get_aggregations ( ). select matnr spras maktx maktg from makt into table imakt where spras = sy-langu. I want to move this to a user_command so that I can refresh the I tried Multiple ways but the position my text did not change. You can choose from various procedures to provide users with a standard ALV function: The type for the UI element and the label used are taken from the default setting. We have passed the saved layout in the parameter. Solution The input for this development is a CL_SALV_TREE object. * declara una estructura TYPES: BEGIN OF structure_molde_ordenes, MSEHL TYPE MSEHL, MSEHI TYPE MSEHI, lr_display-> set_striped_pattern ( abap_true ). DATA(lv_xstring) = NEW zcl_itab_to_excel( )->itab_to_xstring( lo_data_ref ). Like: gr_table ABAP SALV CHECKBOX AND EVENT HANDLER; Technology Blogs by Members Explore a vibrant mix of technical expertise, industry insights, and tech buzz in member blogs covering SAP products, technology, and events. In the series of the SALV Model Table display in SAP ABAP, today we will see how to apply Sorting to the ALV Grid. SAP Managed Tags: As Sandra correctly said it is impossible. Hotspot is useful in most of the ALV reports to drill-down from the main list. lwa_f4-REGISTER = 'X'. Click on layout button and click on custom control button. could. The problem is that I can't get selected row via go_alv_dms->get_selections( )->get_selected_rows( ) after pressing a button on the screen (2 on the screenshot). You can find all the Previous discussion at . lr_functions->set_default( abap_true ). DATA: ob_salv_filters TYPE REF TO cl_salv_filters . 3 O/P as alv grid. DATA: lo_aggrs TYPE REF TO cl_salv_aggregations. Hierarchical-sequential lists. For example the class CL_SALV_TABLE actually wraps around both the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class for container implementation, as well as the Hello Guys I have a program with two ALV, in first ALV when user do click on one record the program show a second ALV on below side, but when the user do click on any other row of first ALV the second ALV must show the new information that is to say, should update ALV2 with the new information. For this, we mainly utilize two of ALV Grid events. lr_layout->set_save_restriction( cl_salv_layout=>restrict_none ). I have not yet found how to do this in CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS, Options. Hello, I am writing a report and displaying it with the CL_SALV_Table objects. even if am using following code, it's not helping. BC427 Training Objects. Display totals and subtotals using factory methods, and aggregations in ALV. One of the SALV Table 4 : Setting up Layout. CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory. As this extra field contains constant value for all the records so subtotal on it is equivalent to total for rest of the fields. SAP Training: BC417. In ALV GRID, the function supported by class CL_ALV_CHANGED_DATA_PROTOCOL, which is the reference type of ER_DATA_CHANGED parameter of event DATA_CHANGED, is divided into two interfaces, Solved: Hi, i have a problem with my salv report. can ld_linesc(10) TYPE c. i tried using it but i comes up with an error, Access Via Null Object Reference not possible. BC427. INTO msg SEPARATED BY space. The first time the ALV2 is shown but then it is not getting new data (no refresh). DATA: ls_key TYPE salv_s_layout_key, lo_layout TYPE REF TO cl_salv_layout. Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules which can be put into use to embellish the output of a report. Below is my code. selection-screen function key 1. thanks. Developer Advocate DATA: gr_tree TYPE REF TO cl_salv_tree. lv_value -> if_salv_wd_table_settings ~ set_read_only ( ABAP_TRUE ). But I want to I made a query to retrive data from this table. Layouts provides greate flexibility to users for saving their own layouts which contains settings like – sum, subtotal, filter, sort etc. data: gr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP When you create a Full Screen ALV (like created with the FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY), system except only the PF-STATUS. Is there a way I could change the color of a cell using the class "cl_salv_column_table", I wanted to make all the cells that have let say value of 10 to be in red. We will ask the reference of the. With a Splitter Container, the screen can be divided into several areas. You may need an event handler for clsoing then popup ALV. But for some reason the column is onl that width as the description of it, but note 40 as I would like to have. For instance, SALV_DEMO_TABLE_SELECTIONS gets selections, SALV_TEST_TABLE_SELECTIONS expands further on getting selected cells, etc. Introduction: Hi SAP Community This Article explains code about how to download Report output in Excel through Program directly. Finally I found out how to attach an excel . I hope this will help you. Tree Structure. The F4 dropdown in a SALV report refers to a dropdown list in the SAP ALV (ABAP List Viewer) grid control. Case 1: To keep all the rows as read only use below method of model object. Here is proper way of setting ICON column in SALV: displaying icons in alv using class cl_salv_table - Code Gallery - SCN Wiki. * Just to show that using the CALL METHOD statement is not the only possible way. e. 5 ALV grid o/p on the screen container. CATCH cx_salv_msg . Which is not modifiable any easy way in SALV and I couldnt filnd "hard" way yet. ls_key-report = sy-repid. 04-20-202312:14 PM. One option is to calculate subtotals without aggregations and sorts: TYPES: BEGIN OF t_rec, col1 TYPE string, col2 TYPE string, col3 TYPE string, num TYPE i, txt TYPE string, END OF t_rec, tt_rec TYPE TABLE OF t_rec WITH KEY primary_key COMPONENTS col1 col2 col3 txt, Options. Create a OOPS ALV REPORT with interactive event. We have an ABAP report with complex business logic and we would like to get the data from the program into SAP BW. Create a data element. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. All forum topics; Previous Topic; ( if_salv_c_bool_sap => false ). 0 Run1 with list alv as o/p. Perhaps you have to add How to select multiple line blocks in ALV output. data: gr_table type ref to cl_salv_table. SELECT * FROM sflights INTO TABLE gt_tab. Using an object TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE I can use cl_salv_functions_list->add_function. Sorts are very important in the reporting. When the user presses the F4 key in an ALV field, the dropdown list appears, allowing the user to select a value from a predefined list of options. 1. If we click on button on the toolbar generate alv report (Item information EKPO). ** End – Hides partiular column of the table in the list or grid** ** Begin-Set status field as traffic light 1- Now comes to making rows editable. 05-22-2014 9:25 PM. The saved layouts can be added to the selection screen as F4 Help and a specific layout can be set as default. GET REFERENCE OF it_out_rec INTO DATA(lo_data_ref). g_variant-report = sy-repid. In the code you can do: SET HANDLER <method> FOR ALL INSTANCES. Check the code and execute the program. Edited by: Dirk Altmann on Sep 16, 2010 8:20 AM. 12-25-2023 7:43 AM. lwa_f4-FIELDNAME = 'ZTERM'. Assume the report which has only columns and no information. 1 Kudo. key-report = sy-repid. You simply need to pass your internal table reference to the method, get the excel content in xstring and transfer it to application server. By following these steps, you can enhance the functionality of SALV by adding a custom button and handling the associated events. I had used the splitter control to show two internal tables . * Populate the table with data SELECT * FROM your_table INTO TABLE lt_data. Use SE41 to copy the pf-status STANDARD from program SAPLSALV (main program of SALV) to your program. it_alv = gt_tab. lr_layout = gr_alv->get_layout( ). ex: i create 1 button in GUI Status "Next Page" and lose in menu bar : Sort, Filter, Total, print, Microsoft excel, local fi We want to call ME5J transaction code from a zprogram using Submit statement. In both containers I show an ALV (CL_SALV_TABLE). "not relevant for Status Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. Today we will see how easy it is to set up the Layout for the ALV which was created using the reference of the CL_SALV_TABLE calss. Download a file to Excel (using ALV "Save to XXL" functionality) Download data from an internal table into an Excel File. The F4 dropdown functionality can be implemented in a SALV report by using the I have posted several simplified ALV reports within the <i>ABAP Objects</i> forum (search for <b>ZUS_SDN</b>). · OO way (only using Static methods) – To get the hang of class and method concept. For columns with DDIC reference, the GET_DDIC_DECIMALS of class CL_SALV_COLUMN returns the number of decimal places that is set for the referenced data element. 1) Header of alv (with all the values of the selection-screen) 2)How to give text to a subtotal (ed) column, i. After processing I am using the gr_table->refresh ( ). By the way to original problem - set_exception_column method sets "coltext" field in fieldcatalog. You can find all the Previous discussion at Tutorials > SALV Table Display . As this 1 Kudo. ( it_out is the final internal table) . 11-16-2011 1:29 PM. CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory IMPORTING r_salv_table = lt_table CHANGING t_table = gt_table . 00 (for first header entry) and so on for each header entry. 2 Kudos. Check this program. 1. if sy-subrc = 0. Hey Everyone, just wondering if there is a way to expand / collapse all elements under a hierarchy of an ALV table. endloop. Regards, Clemens. check the below code for removing key. To set exception column use method SET_EXCEPTION_COLUMN of class CL_SALV_COLUMNS_LIST (inherit from CL_SALV_COLUMNS) Areas of the ALV Output, Columns (General), Columns with Special Technical Meaning in SAP online help) Regards, Raymond. In the method handling the TOOLBAR event, we define a new button by filling a What are you actually mean with "not able to get multiple rows selection" Did you intend to click on multiple lines/cells holding down ctrl (or shift) key or would you provide a box to check (with if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column and not cl_salv_selections=>multiple) or were you unable to get the list of selected ls_exclude type ui_func. lo_layout = lo_salv->get_layout ( In this video, I show you how to display 2 SALV Grids using a Splitter Container in ABAP. I want to create a contextv menu for a button on the toolbar of a SAL table object. On the next screen, click menu EXTRAS --> click option ADJUST TEMPLATES and select radiobutton LIST VIEWER --> you will get all standard buttons of alv in the pf-status. Below you will find a few examples. In factory ALV you can set the properties of columns with the help class CL_SALV_COLUMN. Reward points if answer is helpful. xlsx in an email. Use Transaction Code DWDM to get an example how you have to handle this class. . I am using the methods of class CL_SALV_TABLE. I need to edit my SALV toolbar to remove that function/ICON and perhaps to remove the Mail function/ICON. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Screen flow logic in case of alv displayed on the custom container. " this ok. DATA(spl_left) = split->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 ). or via. In the series of the SALV model table display, today we will see how to add the hotspot and after adding, how to handle that hotspot. We will set the long , medium, and short texts of this column as Hello Experts , I have a requirement of removing the zeros after decimal point while displaying in ALV. DATA: nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes, node TYPE REF TO cl_salv_node. You can include it via. container2. * get Columns object. start-of-selection. The solution is based on the built in functions of cl_salv_table class. By Naimesh Patel | October 16, 2013 | SALV Table, SALV Tutorial | 51,093 | 4. We have discussed in post to generate an ALV using new the SALV Model. r_salv_table = lo_gr_alv. SAP Community; Groups; SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. METHOD display_alv. Download Data into Word Document using OLE Automation. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the readability and functionality of any report output. implement the standard code given by SAP for removing column from alv table. In SAP blog the availability of sample program is less. In Odata use the CREATE_STREAM lo_salv->get_columns( )->get_column( columnname = 'MATNR' )->set_visible( abap_false ). The following program, SAP note and the link below were really useful: Program: BCS_EXAMPLE_7. Add ALV grid to method implementation. On the other hand, with self-defined functions, the system cannot influence the activation status. I have an ALV in container on screen 0100. Link: ABAPblog. You can easily increase the width of the ALV display and columns by specifying the text = `My function`. SALV Table 8 – Add & Handle Hotspot. **Begin- Displaying toolbar on alv ** value = if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true. The best way to eliminate these types of errors is the use of uppercase. under class cl_salv_nodes. In standard have menu bar "Sort, Filter, Total, print, Microsoft excel, local file, . Main Part. 1 activate ALV generic Functions data: lr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions_list. CALL METHOD e_grid->get_selected_rows. SAP note: 1459896. Hi. lo_event = lo_table->get_event ( ). The CL_SALV_TABLE class is part of the ALV Object Model which was introduced in NetWeaver 2004. Step 5 :- Now we need to get object of We have an ABAP report with complex business logic and we would like to get the data from the program into SAP BW. When you create an ALV without the Container, you are creating the Full Screen ALV and here you can have your custom PF Status. DATA: docking TYPE REF Classic ABAP List. In this example, SALV Table 18 – ICONs and Tooltips. Get your ALV up and running in no time using this collection of shorts snippets covering most of the basic requirements. 0 Kudos. See only the “Red” Lights Read Post » There are demonstration programs for ALV and SALV, named like BCALV* for OO ALV and SALV* for SALV. cl_salv_table is the new object-oriented way to The tree structure is comprised of the following areas: The Structure. I have created a custom GUI status with two buttons on it and I need to know how to handle those actions when they are pressed. You have to use the method SET_SCREEN_STATUS of the class CL_SALV_TABLE. Write SET PF-STATUS statement in the Hi Friends and Experts, I am using the class cl_salv_column to get the minus symbol before the value. You can get access to internal instance of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID and switch it to editable mode. To get the minus sign before the currency i used the code like below. In this blog, we shall discuss 1. I see that a fieldcatalog can be passed but I have not found a method that corresponds to REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE. I have used lo_column->set_decimals( '0' ). The SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access offers application developers the option to use the in-memory database, such as SAP HANA, without having to switch to a new programming environment. data ls_row type 1. I can access the selected rows with no problem if the button is in the ALV Hi, Goto SE41, create a pf-status for your alv report program. endif. Introduction: Hope everyone is well. In this video I show you how to handle the added_function event that is fired from a cl_salv_table object when a user clicks a custom button. It allows application developers to quickly implement the display of structured datasets by providing three different ALV tools, one each for the display of: Simple and two-dimensional tables. Get in the mix! cancel. Complete code: REPORT ztest_salv_container. Using ABAP2XLSX to capture and email as Excel spreadsheet content of multiple ALV reports. Regarding SALV, there is a big glitch in SAP standard: If you don’t use a dictionary structure for the table displayed but a local type with fields with dictionary reference ( defined as field TYPE tabname-fieldname), you won’t get F1 or F4 Help even as the F4 dropdown symbol is displayed. Selection screen declaration. Tree structures. Custom container element on the screen. Duplicate the ABAP program. Downloading source code with includes into selected file in ABAP. Step 1 :- Create an executable program in ABAP Editor ( Se38 ) Step 2 :- Create a type structure from VBAK and VBAP table and then create a corresponding internal table for the same. When you run the program with selection as "Output as Grid", you will get the "Box" icons for selection. Users may adjust automatically the widths of all columns, there's a checkbox in the options. If you intend the 3 "layers" of ALV to appear on the screen at the same time, take a look at class CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER or class Hi. data: gr_display type ref to cl_salv_display_settings. Then you call the method. lo_column-> set_medium_text ( 'Plan value TC' ). · Traditional way of writing. In the series of the SALV Model Table display in SAP ABAP, today we will see how to apply Filters to the ALV Grid. 2. We will be adding to this base code throughout the entire series. initially before the table binding - loop at lt_table into ls_table. This would be very handy code snippet for informative popup. When you Run with selection "Output as List", you will get the editable checkboxes. Hello, We have a report that uses SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY which works well but I have been asked to add a hotspot to call another screen. t_table = gt_table. for By default, the size of the ALV display, columns, and rows depends on their content. BC417. The icon constants that you can see in SE 16 are definied in a type pool. Declare an internal table and fill the internal table with required With the follow code you can create an ALV with editable columns using cl_salv_table=>factory. CALL FUNCTION 'Z_VERY_SIMPLE_ALV' TABLES. Upon clicking one of the program names, the event ON_LINK_CLICK gets properly triggered and this method is executed successfully with opening the editor for the selected program: METHOD on_link_click. I also show you how to handle events on a cell of Overview. DATA: selopt_low TYPE salv_de_selopt_low . The values in the filters would work exactly like values in a Range ALV Hierarchical-Sequential List (CL_SALV_HIERSEQ_TABLE) can be used to display maximum two different structures, coming from two internal tables, one POSITION = if_salv_c_function_position=>right_of_salv_functions ). after selecting data it does not show the grid. Unfortunately auto complete for the icon constants does not seem wo work, neither in SE38 in the SAP GUI nor in the ABAP editor in Eclipse. SUBMIT RM06BKPS WITH TCNT-PROF_DB EQ '000000000001' WITH CN_PROJN IN PROJECT EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY AND RETURN. Create a button on toolbar . Global declaration. The position of the field will determine the position of this column in the ALV. maisto In that case, there must be a bug in the standard code or SAP GUI, search for SAP notes. Purpose of this is to take values from the row and then populate fields of screen that I want to switch to. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution. ABAP Program CL_SALV_IDA_QUERY_ENGINE=====CP KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DB-PERF , SAP HANA Database Performance , Problem . In other words: A column is at least as wide as its widest cell. if i subtotal a qty field against a sorted field, i want to display ==> Nett Wt. But I do not know Recently paul. APPEND wa_field_catalog_detail TO ta_field_catalog_detail . lr_functions = gr_table->get_functions( ). You can do this in the following ways: By changing the position number. You need to go to the transaction code SE38 called ABAP Editor and type a program name starting with ‘Z’ since this is a customizing program. This means inherently that these domains are not meant to have negations signs or any other symbols for that matter attached to them. Programmatically, for cl_gui_alv_grid, there's the field CWIDTH_OPT to be set to A or X, in the layout parameter. Custom ALV Builder. Step 3 :- Define a select option for user input. Take a look at program SALV_DEMO_TABLE_COLUMNS for working examples of both hotspot and hyperlink columns which the user may click to fire an event. Yes. display. Mark as New; Bookmark; Class CL_SALV_LAYOUT has a method <b>SET_DEFAUT</b> (<i>Allow default layout</i>). ** Activate All Buttons in Tool Bar. We used following code to call the report. data: wa_functxt type smp_dyntxt. Go to SE24 enter class CL_SALV_COLUMN and check the where used list of SET_DDIC_REFERENCE method. data:begin of imakt occurs 0, matnr like makt-matnr, spras like makt-spras, maktx like makt-maktx, maktg like makt-maktg, end of imakt. "In SAP S/4HANA, currency amount fields with a field length between 9-22 including 2 decimals have been extended to 23 digits including 2 decimals. This is the code: REPORT Z_AG_VALIDAR_POLIZA. suggestions plz. gr_functions->set_all( abap_true ). Hi, Scenario: Result set is displayed in 2 ALV grids by using 2 different instances. You need to set the Register for the field: data: lt_f4 type LVC_t_F4, lwa_f4 like line of lt_f4. Let me I have an ALV in container on screen 0100. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by This Minimal reproducible example shows only the columns SPRAS and LAISO from the table T002, all other ones are hidden: DATA: t002_lines TYPE TABLE OF t002, salv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table, columns TYPE salv_t_column_ref. We can view similar kind of information grouped under nodes and can have option to have limited or full access to them. then you perform the action only for these rows, by reading your internal table with the indexes in the selection. SET HANDLER . It works. ENDMETHOD. Create CL_SALV_TABLE from factory as usual. La clase CL_SALV_TABLE forma parte del modelo basado en objetos para ALV ( ALV Object Model ) que agrupa diferentes clases globales para la 1. Below is the program. So I am writing this. I know how to do this using CL_GUI_ALV_GRID - please do not tell me about TOOLBAR event,handler inserting button type 2. Course BC412: ABAP Dialog Program with EnjoySAP Controls. Case 2: When you want all the rows editable in an ALV and user can enter data wherever they want. You need to change the approach: set up split container and display your tables/grids in it. In output if we select two lines and hit on menu button, the lines between selected lines needs to be selected. can any one tell what might be the problem. if i create new GUI Status has lose in menu bar. 1) Assuming your ALV output is contained in a report program, use SUBMIT statement with extension TO SAP-SPOOL. When you First of all, the class CL_SALV_BS_RUNTIME_SET is used to grab ALV output. uwe_schieferste in. I am using cl_salv_table to display an ALV but I can't get the save layout option to be available (in the menu path or on the toolbar). I managed to create an extractor based on a ABAP function module that calls the program and using cl_salv_bs_runtime_info retrieves the data without having to do any changes to the source program, which is perfect. I have a requirement where a particular column should be editable. Set the tooltip information with an annotation. tooltip = `My custom function`. Contain programs that demonstrate concepts in Dialog Programming. Hide total line display in ALV by passing appropriate value in the Layout structure. I am a novice at The exception 'CX_SALV_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED' was raised, but it was not caught. Do note that the t_data table will be where the changed data will be. In general (or in my experience 99% of the cases) if you use DDIC element names / field names / program names / etc. Optional parameter SENDER for the event handler with the object pool design pattern is used. View products (1) Reply. There are several ways to get it, e. append ls_exclude to lt_exclude. *. 01-27-20103:17 AM. You can't have 3 internal tables. gr_functions = lr_table->get_functions( ). We use the event TOOLBAR to add the button and the event USER_COMMAND to implement the new function. 3. g 4. Active Contributor Options. Delete the unwanted buttons and also you can add new buttons if reqd. The attachment is based on selection screen LAYOUT. ls_table-read_only = abap_true. Now the requirement is before display the ALV send a mail with output attachment. I am new to technical. " non editable modify lt_table from ls_table index sy-tabix. And therefore it needs to be accessible from the ALV with IDA (SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access) helps tables that contain very large quantities of data to be displayed on the UI. Test yourself. If some on have used this please let me know. The results of To achieve this in the SALV model, we have the class CL_SALV_AGGREGATIONS. Hello Experts, We re displaying internal table data using CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory. Mark as New; Dear Friends , I am using ALV FACTORY METHOD. for example: in output lines 1,5,7 and 10 is selected and clicked on Hello, use the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID this one can be enabled for input but it does not have the Fullscreen option like CL_SALV_TABLE and therefore always needs a Screen. Every node in a tree structure has exactly the structure that is defined in the initial table. But if you use the ALV Grid, you can method REGISTER_F4_FOR_FIELDS to register the behavior of the F4 help. Write SET PF-STATUS statement in the wa_field_catalog_detail-edit = abap_false. The SAP List Viewer (ALV) object model is an integrated element of the ABAP Objects programming environment. DATA: alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table, col_tab TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table, col TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table. With the follow code you can create an ALV with editable columns using cl_salv_table=>factory. Populated the sort table for ALV with this field and enable subtotal display for it. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& In SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming), the SAP List Viewer (ALV) provides a powerful tool for displaying data in a tabular format. Now on the button handlder, Purpose. I am using SALV factory method for But you can get the selections (which brings the checkboxes) in the List display. Today we will see how easy it is to set up the Enable Save ALV Layout. = 123. I had created hotspots for purchasing docu number in the first table . 2 Run2 with grid alv as o/p. displayOOALVWithSubtotals. By default, positive numbers are displayed without sign, and negative Please add the code as you see here. ld_linesc = ld_lines. Add the following code for that. After using this statement we are getting output of the report. In case ALV report Display is not 1 Kudo. In the series of the SALV Simple Model, we will see how we can set the Display Settings to the entire ALV. I want to refresh the table of container2 (ALV2) when I click on a button in container1 (ALV1). The standard function Change Layout can be accessed by users by clicking an icon in the toolbar. The tabular view enables us to navigate through the data in an informative kind of way. Just choose the file name by F4 help, make sure you give the extension 'xlsx'. However I have a problem in as much as the ALV is not being sent to spool, furthermore I also get print dialog popup when running the report. Thanks in advanced. Position of Columns. lo_column-> set_short_text ( 'PlnValTC' ). It works fine if I use that cell as a hotspot. Define the custom control area and activate the screen. 000 --> '4' . That's a well-known issue with controls. Inside CL_SALV_TABLE builded on CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. In the Container. For instance, to apply TOTALS on the the NETWR SALV Table 2 : Adding Default PF STATUS in ALV. IMPORTING. You can use the method set_selection_mode to automatically show the checkbox for each row. tables sscrfields. DATA:ok TYPE sy-ucomm. Regards. As of ABAP 740 SP05, there isn’t any new method in 1 Kudo. But when you create the ALV with the container you are creating the ALV Grid. RichHeilman. It is displayed by the column header, which is the top row of the tree structure. In the output there are records displayed and the user can select one or multiple records and then custom button is clicked. We will set the long , medium, and short texts of this column as In my report, I am using set_table_for_first_display to display purchase order number, material docu. Now, using the features of ABAP2XLSX, we’re going to supercharge this simple program and provide it with the capability the collect all the ALV report output into a single Excel spreadsheet and to send the spreadsheet to an internet email address. POSITION = if_salv_c_function_position=>right_of_salv_functions ). Check the program SALV_DEMO_TABLE_SELECTIONS. The event handler would make the grid editable and add the buttons in the toolbar as well. As a result, you will see the ALV in a full screen window: The ALV grid displays in a full screen window by default, but if you set optional I_POPUP importing parameter as I have an ALV in container on screen 0100. Filters are important to display only values required by the users. data: ispfli type table of spfli. So lets start by adding the CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS class. And it worked very well. The grid part of SALV being a wrapper of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, people have found a few ways to get the instance of the grid control, and shared in the forum/blogs how to get it. So, if you're having troubles with CL_SALV_TABLE column header text, check to make sure you are setting all three texts (short, medium and long), as setting just one or two will cause odd behavior. CALL METHOD e_grid->check_changed_data . DATA: ob_salv_filter TYPE REF TO cl_salv_filter . Holger. CL_SALV_TABLE DISPLAY TOTALS. The code below creates an simple object with name Proposed Solution : The below code can be leveraged to upload and read the excel with multiple excel tabs or worksheets . data lt_rows type salv_t_row. ** Get functions details. TRY. ENDTRY. Define the PF status. ICONs are great ways to enhance the report output. But I don't find any difference. If you want to use your own functions you must specify a screen status for your application that contains the desire functions. In my case, I copied your code and it works perfectly well (except that I replaced Dojo Toolkit with ABAP web services. You can find the previous discussions in this blog series at To set the display settings, we need to use the reference of the class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS. CHANGING. La clase CL_SALV_TABLE es una aproximación basada en el paradigma de la programación orienta objetos para el desarrollo de listados ALV en aplicaciones SAP. If the data is changed, I fetch the new data set and by using the method 'set_data'. when leaving the popup screen, you may try to call method CL_GUI_CFW=>SET_NEW_OK_CODE to set a new Fcode in Eventhandler for PAI. Reply. The application developer determines if users are allowed to save layouts and defines the saving options available. In ALV, header (top-of-page) and footer (end-of-page) play important role in presentation of the data. " mario. customization 3: Disabling the standard functionalities on ALV table: ===== implement the standard code given by SAP for Disabling the standard functionalities 1. Download package Program. former_member19 0103. I use CL_SALV_TABLE to show the results. wat is the problem. Once it is clicked it will process the selected records and then messages will be updated to the table. This program will fetch the material details details and changing the values in alv will update the ztable. ‎03-04-2009 4:12 AM. If I click on purchasing docu number it has to call trans At the moment * ABAP Writes and HTML Documents are supported * The ALV form also gaurantees the accessibility of such forms * * If the table ALV_T_T2 is empty, please create data for the demo * by running report BCALV_GENERATE_ALV_T_T2 * * §1 select data into global output table * * §2 create ALV Table * create instance of OK, so in the last post – Using The SALV OO Class for Quick and easy Table displays, I gave you the base code for a simple 2D display using the ABAP OO SALV class. DATA:set_lay TYPE slis_vari, g_exit TYPE c, g_variant TYPE disvariant. rows = 1. DATA: gr_table TYPE REF TO SALV_BS_ADMIN Fields, Structure, and DDIC. 0 Kudos Hi Kiran, type-pools:slis. And also create toolbar . We will place it at the end. Double Click in Table Control. 3) First, s et runtime information for the submit statement using cl_salv_bs_runtime_info =>set. Solved: How can the top of page made to be displayed by using the class CL_SALV_TABLE using OOalv. It is a true object oriented way to We can use the method ADD_FILTERS of the class CL_SALV_FILTERS to apply the filter on a specific column. type-pools: slis,icon. This time we will only implement the method on_check_changed_data ( ). There's also the option for only specified columns using the field catalog, parameter COL_OPT (same values). Hi, I have one container with a splitter to split the container in : container1. To add totals we need to use GET_AGGREGATIONS, once we get aggregations instance, we need to add aggregation by passing column name and aggregation type to method ADD_AGGREGATION. Is there any way to get these button on menu bar. SALV_BS_ADMIN is a standard Web Dynpro ALV for ABAP Transparent Table in SAP Basis application, which stores Table for Creating Control Values for ALV data. By default, all columns are arranged in the same order as the attributes in the context node of your application. How do I optimize my columns width. Also this method would control the logic for multiple SALV objects. Then you can click the create button. SALV_DEMO_TABLE_FORM_EVENTS. Open the ABAP program. << Moderator message - Everyone's problem is important >> I am Using following code snippet but still I am unable to see the Hotspot on the col and drill down fucntionality is not working. 03-27-2008 7:33 AM. The standard functions (also ALV services) that have been used in the ALV for a long Clase CL_SALV_TABLE: Introducción. See only the “Red” Lights from the Traffic ALV Hierarchical-Sequential List (CL_SALV_HIERSEQ_TABLE) can be used to display maximum two different structures, coming from two internal tables, one "leading" and one "subordinate", and you indicate which fields are used to join the 2 internal tables. But this is not working and moreover the documentation ALV OOPs: exception raised when SET_DATA method of CL_SALV_TABLE is used. types:begin of t_imakt, matnr like makt-matnr, spras like makt-spras, Introduction: Hi SAP Community This Article explains code about how to download Report output in Excel through Program directly. When you Hello Experts , I have a requirement of removing the zeros after decimal point while displaying in ALV. When using method CL_SALV_TABLE->FACTORY to generate ALV reports, negative signs or symbols do not come across for domains which do not have a “Sign” attribute for them flagged. lo_gr_alv->set_screen_status( pfstatus = 'ZCUSTOM' report = sy-repid. 2) Issue a submit statement for program RSPOLST2 with extension EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY which will read the spool and put it into memory. et_index_rows = t_selected_rows. DATA: ob_salv_table TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table . Then get reference for ALV's data using cl_salv_bs_runtime_info =>get_data_ref. Now ALV is displayed properly. The STANDARD status of the function group SALV should be used as a template for a user-specific status. The ALV display is at least as wide as all its columns together. In this video I show you how to use the factory method of class cl_salv_table to display an ALV grid in SAP. Use the set_list_header method of the cl_salv_display_Settings class. Generic ALV functions include sorting, filtering, layouts settings and so on. If you already have a PF status than you can try: SALV Table 12 – Apply Filters. Step4. Please help me to resolve this issue. After in inserting this code , the icon will appear on the application tool bar. REPORT z_alv_demo_total_text. Hi Friends, I am having a layout parameter on the selection screen. . DATA: gt_spfli TYPE TABLE OF spfli. It enables or disables the pushbuttom or menu entry accordingly. abap. 4 Run3 with container grid alv as o/p. Displaying or Hiding sign. In the method where you handle the event you need to use cl_salv_selections to see which rows are selected. Hi, You can remove the key, and move it to the required position! and then you can set color for that coloumn if required. FIELD-SYMBOLS <column> TYPE salv_s_column_ref. ob_salv_filters = ob_salv_table->get_filters( ) . I have a list of functionalities, for which i am not able to find a correct method. My plan is to send the ALV to spool and read it from there and email it. Programming Tool. Add a new field CHECKBOX to the type TY_PA0008 defined in your program. Turn on suggestions. com - Create XLSX/MHTML file from internal table in background. Here is code the complete Download a file to Excel (using ALV "Save to XXL" functionality) Download data from an internal table into an Excel File. The problem is that I can't get selected row via go_alv_dms How to achieve split screen? Splitters and containers! This screen distribution can be achieved by creating a splitter and two containers. Contain programs that demonstrate Enhancement Framework concepts (Classic BADI, PROBLEM. REPORT z_pruebas2. Is this not possible? Below is the code I am using to display: factory * EXPORTING * list_display = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE * r_container = * As a classic ABAP list : In order to display as classic ABAP list, just set the LIST_DISPLAY parameter as TRUE in the factory method of CL_SALV_TABLE. anywhere along. It provides search help in the output of ALV reports. Append the attributes of the functions you want to hide to the table: ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sum. TYPES: BEGIN OF type_output, matnr I am using cl_salv_table class to display the ALV output. LO_AGGRS = LR_ALV->GET_AGGREGATIONS ( ). To bring the PF status in OM SALV you need to : * §3 Functions * §3. templates, office, ALV, grids, SALV_GRU121, Office Control, Excel display, not possible to switch, excel template, SAP standard template , KBA , BC-SRV-ALV , SAP List Viewer , Problem . report zalvom_demo1. In case ALV report Display is not Thank you for your answers. : Adapter. As per SAP, If you use classic list display, full-scren display or hierarchical- sequential list for your output table, the screen status SALV_TABLE_STANDARD is set by default. Apply Sorts to SALV Table. To change the display settings of ALV object model (Class CL_SALV_TABLE) use class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS. Solved: I'm using the new ALV class to output some of our reports, but I'm running into a My requirement is to get SELECT ALL and DESELECT ALL button using cl_salv_table=>factory method. lr_layout->set_key( key ). SALV Table 13 – Apply Sorts. Basically it is an encapsulation of the the pre-existing ALV tools. 08-06-2008 2:07 PM. 10-08-2008 7:45 PM. Fullscreen. CL_SALV_TREE is a very useful class to print information on the output screen in the form of a tree. I can access the selected rows with no problem if the button is in the ALV I guess it is not possible to display the multiple lines on the single line of the ALV grid. Hope i make myself clear. lv_value->if_salv_wd_column_settings~delete_column( 'NAME' ). following is my code to display total at the bottom of each column in my report, but i am not able to see totals. With Simple ALV (SALV) using class CL_SALV_TABLE, you have to implement a GUI-STATUS in your report to make custom buttons available when displaying your ALV. SALV Table 6 – Display Settings. Use the Class CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET in order to over come the above issue by instantiating and passing the XSTRING data in the constructor. Header and footer are imortant when we need to print the report and use it for later decisions. Create a button on the selection screen as described below which will allow the user to check and display the output of the background job. type-pools: icon. You can also specify whether the user is allowed to fix columns. Then the attachment can be opened. 01-04-2024 4:47 PM. lr_function-> set_enable ( if_salv_c_bool_sap => true ). All these discussions can be found under Tutorials > SALV Table Display . The next significant step is to create on_user_command event handler either in the same class or in separate handler class: data: gr_events type ref to Don't use old obsolete REUSE FM, look at class such as CL_SALV_TABLE to display data or CL_GUI_ALV_GRID in case of update; NB: You added an excluded function code in your code, but as you don't use the rt_extab internal table in the SET PF-STATUS, can you guess what should have be done? I know this is a very old topic, but I didn't find easy solution for this. View products (1) Preview file 138 KB Preview file 167 KB Reply. I tried Multiple ways but the position my text did not change. Write the logic in PBO and PAI. Suggest you look at the demo programs, find one that does what you need and To make a Table to a Tree, the only additions required are Groupings and Indentations. Depending on the standard ALV function, the UI element is displayed in the Settings dialog box or in the toolbar. All the complexity for making it editable is hidden and wrapped in this method. The attributes of the standard functions all begin with the prefix MC_FC_, in addition, there is the prefix MC_MB_ for an entire menu in the toolbar. Hi Friends and Experts, I am using the class cl_salv_column to get the minus symbol before the value. Then Submit the program. hardy2 published a blog International Editable SALV day as the 8th anniversary of the first SALV Editable question and so far no out of the box solution. Add a CAST statement. ABAP on ‎11-04-2009. It's created via class CL_SALV_TABLE. Create a screen (Ex:screen 100) Double click on screen 100. It provides the values of Saved layout in the F4 Help. r_salv_table = lt_table. This icon allows users to adjust the current layout to their requirements for the lifetime of the control instance. Then place each ALV in its Popup generated using the SALV Model in ABAP. Generic means that the system checks whether a function is useful for a specific situation. Note: For simplicity’s sake error handling of SALV errors (subclasses of exception class CX_SALV_ERROR) have been left out. Hello Bruno, use this method: gr_columns->set_key_fixation ( value = abap_true ). My solution is simple to output the internal table data to XLSX file. DATA gt_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflights. include <icon>. Then you can use SET_READY_FOR_INPUT method to switch in edit mode. This class contains a method SET_DDIC_REFERENCE. I want to align the header text in the center. It's created via class CL_SALV_TABLE. IF i_alv_tb = abap_true. IF( te gusta y ayuda lo que comparto ) THEN ( Invitame In ABAP for self learning we need more sample program to get clarification on understanding things better. En este video vas a aprender a mostrar un ALV simple en ABAP de una forma muy fácil y rápida con SALV. lo_column = lo_columns-> get_column ( columnname = 'WTG2' ). If you want to hide many columns, then I suggest to call get_columns once, and from that object get separate columns. I am trying to do this using the method SET_ENABLED_COLUMN from class CL_SALV_COLUMNS_TABLE. data: init_layout type slis_vari. prasanth. For OOPs ALV , For the screen where you have defined the container for ALV, IN PAI call this method. Some ALV-output is displayed on screen which includes a list of programs with the program name shown as a clickable hotspot. Using CL_SALV_TABLE ALV grid, I want to get the values of the row that is double-clicked. This will produce the ALV in a list display as a spool. ev we ki qv my qd kc ap ha yz